March 23rd, 2010

[info]disappearedmods in [info]disappear_rpg


[ First day of school: The noticeboard in the hallway has had a large and rather out-of-the-ordinary sign taped to it. It reads:]


Sign-up Sheet:


[ A "Rules" pamphlet is attached, for any who wish to investigate further. ]

[info]apathyisboring in [info]disappear_rpg

Who: Kiriko and Reizo.
What: Appleologies.
Where: The Beach.
When: After Toshidungeon, last day of the beach.
Why: That was humiliating.

So um yeah about that whole stalking you to your room and shouting you down thing )

[info]2dbeauty in [info]disappear_rpg

Who: Toru and Yoshimi
What: Campfires and marshmallow roasting.
Where: The Beach.
When: One of the last days at the beach, evening
Why: Toru will have his sweets, in this life or the next!