Jan. 16th, 2008


Action Scene: Showdown between Ginny and Harry

Ginny gripped the railing of the second floor of Flourish & Botts, waiting for Harry to walk through the door.

She was nervous. )


Owl to Ginny



We need to talk. I know I'm an evil berk, but please, I just want to explain things to you. I mis-- Please, just, don't torch this at first sight.


Sep. 27th, 2007


Diary: Ginny

I think I hate Harry Potter.


Action Scene: The Malfoy Dinner

Everything was set to perfection )

Sep. 25th, 2007


Action Scene: Fred's Funeral

*Set after the funeral service*
The funeral was over )
((OOC: Anyone who would be at the funeral are welcome in this thread.))

Sep. 24th, 2007


Action Scene: Ron's wandering the halls, looking for his sister

Fred's funeral was coming up, and he didn't want to face it. )

Sep. 12th, 2007


Owl Post to Molly Weasley

Dear mum )

Sep. 10th, 2007


Action Scene: Sirius Black at Hogwarts, wandering the halls toward Gryffindor Tower.

The destruction to the old castle was devastating but he still recognized the hallowed halls he'd roamed as a teen. )

Sep. 5th, 2007


Diary: Ginny

Luna's a good friend, but sometimes she just blurts out things that hurt )

Sep. 4th, 2007


Action Scene: Walking with Ginny

Luna swayed back and forth as she walked with Ginny through the Hogwarts halls )

Sep. 2nd, 2007


Action Scene: The Great Hall

Ron held Hermione as they waited for Harry to arrive )

Sep. 1st, 2007


Action Scene: On the way to the Great Hall

Harry dressed as quickly as he could )