January 16th, 2008

[info]dh_james in [info]dhmaster_rpg

Owl Post to Harry

(Ello, Muncher!)

[info]fiery_ginny in [info]dhmaster_rpg

Action Scene: Showdown between Ginny and Harry

Ginny gripped the railing of the second floor of Flourish & Botts, waiting for Harry to walk through the door.

She was nervous. )

[info]dh_harry in [info]dhmaster_rpg

Owl to Ginny



We need to talk. I know I'm an evil berk, but please, I just want to explain things to you. I mis-- Please, just, don't torch this at first sight.


[info]dh_harry in [info]dhmaster_rpg

Action Scene: Harry's finally talking to his dad

This day would not end well for him. )