March 14th, 2009

[info]xyzabini in [info]derp_

Owl to Carys Selwyn

Owl to Carys Selwyn )

[info]cleverer in [info]derp_

Owl Post

Owl to Luna Lovegood )

[info]xyzabini in [info]derp_

Dinner at the Zabinis. [open to Carys]

Who: Blaise Zabini & Carys Selwyn [he refuses to call her Weasley]
What: Blaise has Carys over for dinner
When: February 1st, 2000; around 6PM.
Where: The Zabini Estate, Tuscany.
Rating: PG13 maybe? NOT SURE YET!
Status: Complete.

Dinner was ready at precisely six PM. )