December 16th, 2008

[info]derp_mod in [info]derp_

Sunday - Sunday, November 29th - December 5th

Weather Forecast

5 degrees C – 0 degrees C
Very Cloudy with chances of snow for the weekend, nothing suspected to stick
Northerly winds reaching peak gusts of 6 mph in some part of the UK.

Full Moon Watch
Werewolves be safe for the time being.

Daily Prophet & Witch Weekly Excerpts
(Nothing special appears in the paper or the magazine. They seemingly go back to regular news and information.)


Ok folks, time jump time! Sorry for the day delay, but I was sick yesterday and a little foggy, so I did not realize it was time for a day change. So, remember, you guys get two days for the week of play. If, for some reason, you believe you need more time for the week's play then either comment here or email the mod account.