Jul. 19th, 2012


rp log - maggie and felix

Characters: Maggie McKinnon and Felix Hopkirk
Setting: Backdated to late evening of Sunday, 8 July, 1981, at Felix’s flat.
Summary: Maggie and Felix talk about things, including Leo’s future, and then share a surprise kiss after fifty billion years (except not really).
Rating: PG-13

“You’ve seen him. He already pulls himself up by holding onto something and then has no idea what to do. Let’s just cherish the time before that happens, otherwise, we’ll be having marathons running after him.” )

Jun. 3rd, 2012


rp log - maggie and felix

Characters: Maggie McKinnon and Felix Hopkirk, with Leo McKinnon
Setting: Noon of 1 June, 1981, at Felix’s flat
Summary: Maggie and Felix share a ~moment~ before they go off to visit Leo’s paternal grandparents.
Rating: PG

“Um.. you do know that I did a quick clean-up already, right?” )

Apr. 11th, 2012


rp log - maggie and felix

Characters: Maggie McKinnon and Felix Hopkirk
Setting: Wednesday night, 11 April, 1981, at the McKinnon Cottage, Hogsmeade
Summary: Surprise visit. And not the pleasant kind of surprise either.
Rating: PG

“Oh, I just had a couple of shots,” Felix told her, waving his hand dismissively and frowning. “Made some new friends, you know.”  )

Jan. 23rd, 2012


WHO: Dante Esposito & Felix Hopkirk
WHEN: BACKDATED to 12 January 1981, after the epic dinner with the Hopkirks & the McKinnons
WHERE: the Leaky Cauldron!
WHAT: Felix needs to Talk, and Dante's there to listen!

Alright, first, let’s celebrate how I’m miraculously alive and made it through the strangest family dinner I’ve ever been to. )

Jan. 19th, 2012


rp log - maggie and felix

Characters: Maggie McKinnon and Felix Hopkirk
Setting: McKinnon Cottage in Hogsmeade, on Tuesday morning, 17 January
Summary: Felix and Maggie finally have that dreaded talk about the baby and ~themselves~.
Rating: PG

“You don’t tell your girlfriend you were cheating on her, true or not, and expect her to just waltz back into your life later on after you decided you’re done running away.” )

November 2012




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