Want to get naughty with me?
The Words 
18th-May-2016 10:24 pm - Darkest Midnight: The Archive
I've moved my fanfic recs archive.

As of now, you can find the archive here. Please read over the F.A.Q.s and News sections for any updates that may occur.

9th-Mar-2009 09:24 am - Announcement!
It has come to my attention that there have been some underage visitors to my journal. While I appreciate your visit, I must stress the importance of the fact that you are underage. Do you really want your parents upset with you for reading something that in all honesty, you shouldn't be reading? I don't even let my 14-year old daughter read this stuff! And she knows I write it!

As a result, all anonymous comments are now screened and those IPs will be logged.

I will repeat my earlier warning: I will not be held responsible if you click links to any fics with a rating of R or NC17/18. I am not your parent or legal guardian and I will not be held accountable if you're under the age of consent and you get caught reading through them. Parents should take an active stance on what their children should and should not be looking at on the net. That's what filters and spam controls are for.
1st-Dec-2013 09:15 am - Welcome!
Welcome to Darkest Midnight, my personal fic asylum. What you will find here are fics written by me, recommended readings, fanart and plot bunnies relating to Harry Potter. Sometimes I'll even post something original.

From time to time, I will rec something that's in a locked journal post. I will do everything in my power to find an alternate link or ask the Original Poster if there is somewhere else I can link to. If a link isn't working correctly, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can rectify the situation.

I'm a 35-year old, mother of two teenagers who enjoys writing fanfiction. I write mainly Harry/Draco and on occassion, Harry/Severus and Severus/Remus or a combination of harry/Draco/Severus. I do not own the rights to these characters. That belongs to Mrs J.K. Rowling. I'm just thankful she is allowing me and others like me to play with them for a bit.

My characters are OOC and my plots are original. If OOC bothers you, feel free to click that "X" in the upper right hand corner of your screen. The subject matter I deal with is 100% romance with a little action/adventure/paranormal tossed into the mix. My stories cover a vast expanse of time, whether it's during their school years, after the war is over, ancient times or far off into the future. Sometimes I use items from the books, other times I don't. Original characters will be introduced in most or I'll stick to characters from the books.

Everything is arranged by a specific tag, so if you wanted to read "Star-Crossed", just click the appropriate tag and you'll get all the posts in one setting.

My ideal Harry, Draco and Severus are the actors who portrayed them in the films. Again, if that bothers you...*points to the X-button*

Warning: I will not be held responsible if you click links to any fics with a rating of R or NC17/18. I am not your parent or legal guardian and I will not be held accountable if you're under the age of consent and you get caught reading through them. Parents should take an active stance on what their children should and should not be looking at on the net. That's what filters and spam controls are for.

This is a closed community - meaning you cannot join it but you can watch it.

Now that all that bullshit is out of the way...bring on the romance!
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