Feb. 14th, 2011


Owls to every girl Avery knows - in game this is Alecto, Bellatrix, Katharina, Keagan, Narcissa... and Lily )

Jun. 26th, 2010


25 June 1979

On the morning of her birthday )

Feb. 16th, 2010


Backdated Monday 15th

Owl to Keagan )

Nov. 6th, 2009


Backdated to yesterday

Owl to Antonin Dolohov )

Oct. 3rd, 2009


Who: Walden and Katharina. With a cameo from Remus.
What: Walden is going to propose to Katharina.
When: 3 October 1978
Where: That's a surprise.
Why: Cause they're in looooove.
Rating: It will probably get dirty, as it does with most of my characters. I'd like to say that it's not at all a reflection on me. But it totally is.

Walden had been working on this proposal for nearly nine months. )

Jul. 27th, 2009


Birthday gift, given to Mac when they meet to walk down to Walden's together. )

Jun. 24th, 2009


24 June 1978

Owl to Katharina Jugson )


A Birthday Gift

Birthday Gift

An owl delivers a parcel to Katharina Jugson. A card saying 'Happy Birthday- This is for your stressful study nights!' From Mac is attached.

ooc: Click picture to see gift. :)
Gift is a bath set of de-stressing products

Jun. 21st, 2009


WHO: Katharina and Mac
WHAT: girl talk
WHERE: on the way to Hogsmeade
WHEN: Saturday morning
WHY: we haven't threaded them together yet
RATING: probably not very high unless Katharina decides to ick Mac out with tmi on her sexlife
STATUS: in progress

Hogsmeade was a grand opportunity for Katharina to legitimately get to see her boyfriend, but she wasn't going to spend the whole weekend in Walden's bed. There was the walk to Hogsmeade to socialise in at the very least.

Katharina left the dorm before her dorm-mates, anxious to spend as much time out of the castle as possible. This did, however, mean she was a bit on the alone side. She was just resigning herself to a solitary walk down when she spied Mackenzie ahead of her on the path.

"Oy, Mac!" Katharina called. "Wait up!" She hurried down to catch up with her friend, falling into step beside her. "You as eager to get out of this shit-hole as I am, then?"

Oct. 24th, 2008


14 October 1977

Delivered by owl to: Rodolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange, Severus Snape, Antonin Dolohov, Walden Macnair, Katharina Jugson, Agustus Rookwood, Lanyon Avery, and other DE-Pureblood-NPC types.

Halloween Invites