Oct. 3rd, 2009


WHO: Armand and his Mother
WHAT: Having lunch and then going shopping perhaps.
WHERE: The little cafe' on the corner of Diagon Alley
WHEN: Saturday around 1pm
WHY: Because Armand needs to ask a very important favor from his mother.
RATING: No idea - His mother is a bitch but I am guessing PG
STATUS: In progress.

Mothers are all slightly insane. )

Oct. 2nd, 2009


02 October 1978

Owl to Frances Jugson )

Jan. 23rd, 2009


WHO: Francesca Jugson
WHAT: Francesca is ruminating
WHERE: the Jugson master bedroom
WHEN: January 20th 1978
WHY: Because she wouldn't write all this in her return owl :-P
STATUS: complete

Never, until tonight... )

Jan. 20th, 2009


Owl to Phillip and Francesca Jugson )