Sep. 26th, 2009


Who: Benjy, Dorcas, Emmeline, Fabian, Florence, Gideon, Tyra!Peter, Remus, Sirius
Where: Sirius & Remus's flat
What: Watching Dr Who
When: 26 September, 6:16pm

Rating: PG-13 for some colourful language
Status: Dialogue chat, complete

once upon a time we had a lot to fight for; we had a dream, we had a plan. sparks in the air, we spread a lot of envy... didn't have to care once upon a time )

Sep. 13th, 2009


Placeholder for M(W)PP thread discussing the Order of the Phoenix!



Who: Albus Dumbledore & Invited Guests
When: 3pm, 13 September
Where: Hogwarts grounds - disillusioned tent.
What: The creation of the Order of the Phoenix
Rating: ?
Status: IC/OOC; in progress

We took our fate into our own hands )