Nov. 10th, 2009


Who: Aludra Wilkes and Minister Riddle
When: Tuesday, 10 November, 1980; evening.
Where: The Minister's Mansion.
What: Punishment.
Rating: PG-13
Status: Completed log.

burning branches of synaptic fire surf the serotonin swells, while the dark heart is dawning and cuts the wound that nothing quells )

Nov. 9th, 2009


Who: Aludra Wilkes and Atticus Avery
When: Monday, November 9
Where: Aludra's Flat
What: Aludra returns
Rating: PG-13 for nudity
Status: Completed log

invisible to all, the mind becomes a wall. all of history deleted with one stroke. )

Nov. 10th, 2009


RP Log: Aludra and Caradoc.

who. Aludra and Caradoc
where. Eleanor's room in Edgar's house, and then the street outside Aludra's flat.
what. Caradoc does what he thinks is necessary, if not exactly right. And then sends Aludra home.
when. 10 November; extremely early
rating. R for nudity - but not graphic!
status. Completed log


But maybe it's a question of who'd want it anyhow. )

Nov. 7th, 2009


who. Aludra and Edgar
where. Eleanor's room in Edgar's house
what. Civilized discussions between kidnapper and kidnappee
when. Saturday, 7th November
rating. PG/PG13 for themes? idek
status. Incomplete, but almost there

I see little savagery that can be done to a book written by savages. )

Nov. 5th, 2009


Who: Caradoc Dearborn, Aludra Wilkes, Frank Longbottom.
When: Thursday, 05 November, 1980; directly post-shift.
Where: Casa Edgar.
What: Visiting. By accident.
Rating: PG
Status: Completed log!

There's no justice in the world, and there never was. )

Oct. 25th, 2009


Who: Atticus Avery and Aludra Wilkes
When: Sunday evening
Where: Aludra's flat
What: Aludra is having a mental breakdown and Atticus is perplexed
Rating: Low
Status: Completed log

please say we’re almost there, cause I can’t move another inch, can’t feel my legs )

Oct. 5th, 2009



Who: At the very least, Sirius and Remus. Possibly James, Hestia, Florence, anybody who wants a thread while Sirius convalesces.
When: October 5-6, 1980.
Where: St Mungo's.
What: Sirius convalesces, various people yell at/gesticulate wildly at/comfort/advise/talk with him.
Rating: Unknown.
Status: One complete; more possibly coming.

and when london falls he'd like to call but the stars collide. they're beautiful and much maligned in a universe where you see the worst, and it's up to you to fix it. )

Sep. 19th, 2009


Who: All Death Eaters and the Minister.
When: Saturday, 19 September, 1980; 9:00pm
Where: London, England; The Minister's Mansion, Drawing Room
What: The Minister touches base with his minions followers.
Rating: PG maybe probably?
Status: IC/OOC Log

Creates unnatural laws, replaces love and happiness with fear. )

Sep. 17th, 2009


Who: Atticus & Aludra
Where: Office --> home
When: 17 September 1980
What: More disputes and a reconciliation of sorts

Rating: PG
Status: Complete, logged

i didn't mean to treat you so bad; you shouldn't take it so personal. i didn't mean to make you so sad; you just happened to be there, that's all )

Sep. 14th, 2009


Who: Sirius Black and Aludra Wilkes.
When: The late evening of September 14, 1980.
Where: Aludra's flat.
What: Sirius fulfills a request from Aludra. In his own demanding way.
Rating: PG for the *~consumption of alcohol~*
Status: Complete!

Shit. )


Who: Atticus & Aludra
Where: Office --> home
When: 14 September 1980
What: Disputes of all kinds

Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete, logged

Warnings/Triggers: Minor domestic violence

you never get to choose, you live on what they sent you, and you know they’re gonna use the things you love against you )

Sep. 10th, 2009


Who: Aludra and Atticus
Where: The Ministry, then the home of Mr and Mrs Julian Clack
What: More kidnappings
When: 10 September

Rating: Mild violence
Status: Complete, logged

fitter, happier, more productive, comfortable, not drinking too much, regular exercise at the gym )

Sep. 4th, 2009


Who: Aludra & Atticus
Where: Home again jigetty jig
What: Atticus is a control-freak
When: 4 September

Rating: J for Jerk
Status: Complete, logged

Dirty little whirlwind all caught up in the flesh of a girl )


Who: Aludra Wilkes and Frank Longbottom
When: 04 September, 1980; noon.
Where: The Ministry of Magic.
What: Lunch.
Rating: PG
Status: Completed log.

'Well. I am going to try the sausage and onion. You can look on in horror.' )

February 2010



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