Feb. 9th, 2010


rp log: edgar & caradoc

who. edgar & caradoc
where. caradoc's flat
when. on the tenth anniversary of caradoc's wife's death.
what. a little indulgent fatalism, firstly, and also some movement.
rating. pg-13 definitely
status. complete


Read more... )

Nov. 7th, 2009


who. Aludra and Edgar
where. Eleanor's room in Edgar's house
what. Civilized discussions between kidnapper and kidnappee
when. Saturday, 7th November
rating. PG/PG13 for themes? idek
status. Incomplete, but almost there

I see little savagery that can be done to a book written by savages. )

Oct. 6th, 2009


omob + alice placeholderrrr


Who: Edgar Bones and Frank Longbottom
When: Tuesday, 06 October, 1980; morning.
Where: The Ministry of Magic, Auror office.
What: Frank comes to Edgar with a request.
Rating: S for Sad.
Status: Completed log.

follow your instincts and choose the other path. )

Sep. 13th, 2009



Who: Albus Dumbledore & Invited Guests
When: 3pm, 13 September
Where: Hogwarts grounds - disillusioned tent.
What: The creation of the Order of the Phoenix
Rating: ?
Status: IC/OOC; in progress

We took our fate into our own hands )