February 7th, 2010

[info]ex_basejudea73 in [info]cm_logs

rp log: bellatrix & cygnus

who. bellatrix & cygnus (as played by the INEFFABLE giaaaa) ...
when. 5 February 1981
what. cygnus is far subtler than his daughter.
where. the lestrange estate in st. ives.
status. complete
rating. g


They are men who demand much. )

[info]ex_basejudea73 in [info]cm_logs

rp log: rodolphus and bellatrix

who. rodolphus and bellatrix
where. their estate in st. ives
when. 5 february; directly after cygnus cleaves
what. bella is melancholy. rodolphus reaps bruises and rewards.
rating. pg.
status. complete


Antics are childish, not feminine. )