Oct. 16th, 2009


Who: Everyone who was invited
What: James's fall bonfire Quidditch party
When: Friday, October 16th from 6:30 - ?
Where: The Potter's home (James's parents) in Godric's Hollow

Status: Ongoing
Warnings: Language possibly?

Shine on, shine on harvest moon, up in the sky! )

Sep. 26th, 2009


Who: Benjy, Dorcas, Emmeline, Fabian, Florence, Gideon, Tyra!Peter, Remus, Sirius
Where: Sirius & Remus's flat
What: Watching Dr Who
When: 26 September, 6:16pm

Rating: PG-13 for some colourful language
Status: Dialogue chat, complete

once upon a time we had a lot to fight for; we had a dream, we had a plan. sparks in the air, we spread a lot of envy... didn't have to care once upon a time )

Sep. 24th, 2009


Who: Emma Vance and Fabian Prewett and a very large nameless dude
What: Drinking is bad, mkay?
When: Wednesday Night
Where: A pub in Scotland.

Status: Complete.
Rating: PG13 for drinking, pottymouths, a man in leather pants, and a moment of bamfness from Fabian

one last call for alcohol, so finish your whiskey or beer )

Sep. 17th, 2009


Who: Open to anyone who wants to come to Wild Wednesdays at the Barrel Organ!
What: Another boozy powwow!
Where: The Barrel Organ in Birmingham
When: 16 September, late

Rating: drunken shenanigans
Status: IC/OOC log, threaded

The Barrel Organ is a Muggle pub in Birmingham that's described as "frequented by all sorts - punks, goths, thrash and metal types. Anyone who was probably banned from a lot of other places." Being "Wild Wednesday" there is no cover charge for ladies after 10pm and half off appletinis and purple rains.

Dorcas arrived first, is wearing a pair of trousers that look fabulous on her ass, thank you very much Gideon, and promptly ordered an appletini for herself (on Fabian's tab) before claiming a rather large table right in the middle of the pub.

Sep. 13th, 2009



Who: Albus Dumbledore & Invited Guests
When: 3pm, 13 September
Where: Hogwarts grounds - disillusioned tent.
What: The creation of the Order of the Phoenix
Rating: ?
Status: IC/OOC; in progress

We took our fate into our own hands )

Sep. 10th, 2009


Who: Fabian, Gideon, Emmeline, Dorcas, Benjy, Sirius, Remus
What: Boozy powwow!
Where: Fabian's flat in London
When: 10 September, late

Rating: ummm drunk Gryffindors (and their mascot, Benjy) in one place? let's go with a loose PG-13
Status: IC/OOC log, threaded

Fabian is chilling by the fireplace (which is camera side here) with a table full of booze. The girls' room has blankets and crap in it and the boys room has ... boy crap in it. And everything else is boring and Fabianlike, though he has put away the art he doesn't like so that nobody ruins it.