Feb. 2nd, 2010


Who: Fenrir Greyback & NPC Muggles
When: 30 January 1981
Where: Cople, Bedfordshire, England
What: Fenrir gets up to mischief on the full moon at Voldemort's request.
Rating: R for violence
Status: Complete

It was a nice beginning to what was going to be a fun night. )

Jan. 26th, 2010


RP Log - Project Utopia

Who: Augustus Rookwood & Hestia Jones
When: 26 January, 1981
Where: Project Utopia
What: Rookwood talks with one of his 'patients'
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

'I don't want to die... What can I do? For your Lord to release me?'  )

Jan. 25th, 2010


Who: Kingsley Shacklebolt, Augustus Rookwood
When: Monday, January 25 1981; early morning
Where: Ministry of Magic Atrium
What: Kingsley weighs Rookwood's wand and has him turn out his pockets. Because it is protocol.
Ratings/Warnings: PG
Status: complete

We're so secret, we have it all undone )


WHO Edith Vance & Rita Skeeter.
WHEN Monday, January 25, 1981; early afternoon.
WHERE A small cafe near St Mungo's.
WHAT Rita ambushes Edith for story material. Surprisingly, they... get along?
RATING/WARNINGS TZ for Twilight Zonesque civility & mutual affection.
STATUS Complete.

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head. )

Jan. 22nd, 2010


RP Placeholder

Placeholder for Alice coming to get Emmeline and take her back to Orchard Cottage.


Placeholder for Marlene and Rita in the loo during the Ministry lockdown.


WHO Edith Vance.
WHEN The morning of January 22, 1981; shortly after the WWN broadcast began.
WHERE St Mungo's.
WHAT Edith reacts to the news.
WARNINGS/RATING G. Quietly hysterical woman.

If I walk down this hallway tonight it's too quiet. )

February 2010



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