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Feb. 25th, 2008


Roll-call [ Active ]

Who: Agkito ([info]fangking), Wolfwood ([info]nickwolfwood) and Vash ([info]stampeded)
What: Breakfast~
When: 6 AM, aka Happy Plant Hour.
Where: Rooms to cafeteria.
Warnings: Cursing.

You say 'it's not light outside' like it matters. )

Feb. 16th, 2008


Curse log!

Who: Duo and Wolfwood
What: More curse logging |D
Where: Uh . . . Duo's room?
When: Sometime today
Why: Because Vok made me. >.>
Warnings: PRIESTSHIPPING *shot*

When you call my name it's like a little prayer, I'm down on my knees, I want to take you there~ )

Feb. 13th, 2008


No zombies, sadly. [ Active ]

Who: Wolfwood ([info]nickwolfwood) and Vash ([info]stampeded)
What: Nailing Wolfwood burying the not-dead priest.
When: Sunset, before curse.
Where: Somewhere in the mountains.
Warnings: It's Trigun. There is no need for any other warnings.

Nothing like waking up to the sound of a hammer to a coffin.... Your coffin. )

Feb. 6th, 2008


First Blood [Completed]

Who: TATARI!Sion ([info]atlasia_tatari) and Wolfwood ([info]nickwolfwood)... and of course, Vash ([info]stampeded) to find the body.
What: Eating NPCs in Clockwork is like munching on rice cakes. Sion decides she has to go after something more substantial.
When: Wednesday, Midnight
Where: The Fountain of Death
Warnings: Violence, blood, character death (or near death), angst

It had been two days now. )

Feb. 2nd, 2008


Party Log!

Who: Duo and anyone who feels like showing up to the party! XD
What: Birthday partay!
Where: The cafe
When: Today? >.>
Why: 'Cause . . . it's Duo's birthday and he needs cake and booze? |D
Warnings: Cake, booze, partying, sugar high-induced and drunken tomfoolery? XD
Notes: If y'all want to make it a dual-party for Knuckles, you're entirely welcome! :3

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me! )

Jan. 29th, 2008


Habits Don't Die [ Closed ]

Who: Vash ([info]stampeded) and Big Wolfwood ([info]nickwolfwood)
What: Having a nightmare and finding out future friends grew really-really big over night.
When: 3 am, Tuesday morning.
Where: 50A.
Warnings: UUUH. It's a kid curse. What do you expect?

In related news... )

Jan. 21st, 2008


Call Me When You're Drunk [ Complete ]

Who: Vash ([info]stampeded) and Wolfwood ([info]nickwolfwood)
What: Discussing the birds and the bees everything that's happened.
When: Day after the curse; ungodly early hour.
Where: 050A.
Warnings: Awkwardness. Maybe swearing, amnesia and some sap at the end.

Smoking in the boys' room. )

Jan. 17th, 2008


The Sound of Music :B [Active]

Who: Nick [info]nickwolfwood, Vash [info]stampeded
What: Sometime before the curse begins, Vash finds Wolfwood in the hallway near his room.
When: Shortly before midnight Thursday
Where: Vash's room
Warnings: Alcohol. Emo. Smoosh. Singing.

In vino veritas! )

Jan. 15th, 2008


Random log of randomness!

Who: Duo and Wolfwood
What: PRIESTSHIPPING A random running into.
Where: By the cafeteria
When: Now : |b

Wouldn't you like to be a pepper too? )