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Jun. 29th, 2008


Wake me up inside

Who: Sonic ([info]lilbluehedgie) and Shadow ([info]chaoscontroller)
What: Helping the hedgie to get back to normal a la Shadow-way~
When: Rite nao.
Where: Shadow's room.
Warnings: ...dunno :| Yeah those are Eva lyrics *shrugs*

you can't just leave me / breathe into me and make me real / bring me to life )

May. 3rd, 2008


Crimson, Ebony and Emerald Green [COMPLETE]

Who: Mephiles ([info]shadeofsolaris) and Shadow ([info]chaoscontroller)
What: Mephiles is being far too "Pleasant" for Shadow's liking and he hopes to do something about it.
When: A couple of hours after this thread.
Where: Entrance to the Hotel, possibly elsewhere as we go?
Warnings: Very!Pleasant!Mephiles and devious!Shadow. Are those warnings? \Da

I shall bring you colour, my friend~ )

Apr. 23rd, 2008


Black Hearted Hero [Active]

Who: Shadow the Hedgehog ([info]chaoscontroller) and Mighty the Armadillo ([info]awarmred)
What: RAEP Mighty finally waking up under Shadow's watch.
Where: Shadow's room.
Warnings: RAEP Um... DUNNO.

Can you see all of me? / Walk into my mystery / Step inside, and hold on for dear life )

Apr. 11th, 2008


Shadow and... the Cake Fabric [ Active ]

Who: Shadow ([info]chaoscontroller) and Eriks ([info]stampeded)
What: Teaching the hedgie the ways of the pastry.
When: Now. .. Er, about noon.
Where: Lobby to pastry shop to (maybe) donut shop.
Warnings: N/a, probably. :|

Yet another one converted. )

Mar. 29th, 2008


Le Belle Morte [ Completed ]

Who: vampire!Shadow ([info]chaoscontroller) and Mephiles ([info]shadeofsolaris)
What: Hungry hedgy on the hunt.
When: Night-ish after this post.
Where: Mephiles' room.
Warnings: Violence, blood, maybe some flirting and whatnot?... bloodsuckers curse~

Would you mind if I hurt you? / Understand that I need to / Wish that I had other choices / than to harm the one I love. )

Mar. 18th, 2008


Dusk's shadows [ Closed ]

Who: Shadow ([info]chaoscontroller) and Mephiles ([info]shadeofsolaris)
What: Shadow's arrival and Mephiles' welcome.
When: Today at dusk.
Where: The Building's roof
Warnings: SonicTH next-gen spoilers~ and a VERY amused Mephiles.

He feeds on fear / Poisons the truth / To gain their faith / To lead the way / To a world of decay. )