June 2009




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Jan. 25th, 2009


Never Alone [ Active ]

Who: Tifa ([info]lockedhart), Silver ([info]absolutional) AND OPEN
What: She shattered over Cloud leaving.
When: Now.
Where: Beach.
Warnings: Emo on Tifa's end, TBA otherwise.

The northern lights shine on forever / A guiding light for you and me )

Dec. 7th, 2008


Lights and the City

Who: Cloud ([info]deliveryboy) and Tifa ([info]lockedhart).
What: Santa hats, a walk under the city lights.
When: After this. Early evening.
Where: Around the city.
Warnings: Probably cute and dorkness. Backlog.

Oh, you look so beautiful tonight... In the city of blinding lights. )

Nov. 12th, 2008


Snow log

[ Active ]

Who: Tbs
What: Fun in the sun...er snow
When: 11.11 -13-11
Where: Outside
Warnings: Snow

Hello there again guys and gals. Here's the dealio - since most everybody seems to be excited about the snow or knows somebody who IS and so will most likely be dragged out at some point in time, I thought why not have a communal snow log. Much like the party log everybody can start their own thread, build forts, make snow angels or snowmen. However you can also drop in on those unsuspecting in their frolicking and hit them with a snowball straight in the back of the neck so it slides down into the collar...for anybody who might be so inclined.

That said. Consider the blankness under the cut freshly fallen snow and be the first to leave your prints.

Kim out.

Walking through a winter wonderlandt. )

Nov. 10th, 2008


Livin' In A World Without You...

Who: Cloud ([info]deliveryboy) and Tifa ([info]lockedhart)
What: Meeting.
When: Early afternoon?
Where: Tifa's room
Warnings: TBA... maybe lots of fluff and awkwardness ♥

...Wasn't Livin' At All )