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Apr. 2nd, 2015


[Roy Mustang; ] I Dream You're Still Here

Character/Series: Roy Mustang; Fullmetal Alchemist 2003
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Written using theme 'lie to me.'
Title: I Dream You're Still Here
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 1613
Summary: Roy liked to drink in private.

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Sep. 10th, 2013


[Edward Elric/Alfons Heiderich; PG] It Begins With A Kiss

Character/Series: Edward Elric/Alfons Heiderich; Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)
Rating: PG
Notes: I probably screwed up something with the movie clip, but since the movie was stupid, I don't care.
Title: It Begins With A Kiss
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 567
Summary: It always starts with a kiss.

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Jul. 25th, 2013


[Edward Elric/ Riza Hawkeye; PG] Dance With Me, Cinder Girl

Character/Series: Edward Elric/Riza Hawkeye; Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for [info]emilie_burns
Title: Dance With Me, Cinder Girl
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 1129
Summary: Years had passed.

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Feb. 21st, 2013


[Edward Elric/Riza Hawkeye; PG-13] That Summer: Chapter 5

Character/Series: Edward Elric/Riza Hawkeye; Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)
Rating: PG-13
Notes: AU to EoS. Generally, assume that Ed never went to Germany and the military group stayed status quo.
Title: That Summer Chapter 5: Never Been Another Summer
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 10,102
Summary: Winter had finally given up its hold, leaving them in a pleasant spring full warm sunny days with cool breezes, punctuated occasionally by thunderstorms as the fading winter air did a violent dance with summer's advances

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Feb. 19th, 2013


[Edward Elric/Riza Hawkey; PG-13] That Summer: Chapter 4

Character/Series: Edward Elric/Riza Hawkeye; Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)
Rating: PG-13
Notes: AU to EoS. Generally, assume that Ed never went to Germany and the military group stayed status quo.
Title: That Summer Chapter 4: The Red Strokes
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 6968
Summary: Riza awoke slowly, aware of the bright sunlight coming through her bedroom window, the sounds of the morning birds twittering away on her bird feeders located just below her window, and the feeling of Edward snuggled up against her back, one arm draped over her waist.

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Feb. 18th, 2013


[Edward Elric/Riza Hawkeye; PG-13] That Summer: Chapter 3

Character/Series: Edward Elric/Riza Hawkeye; Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)
Rating: PG-13
Notes: AU to EoS. Generally, assume that Ed never went to Germany and the military group stayed status quo.
Title: That Summer Chapter 3: I Can Love You Like That
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 6295
Summary: The sun was getting progressively warmer as winter finished giving over to a warm and very wet spring.

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Feb. 17th, 2013


[Edward Elric/Riza Hakeye; PG-13] That Summer: Chapter 2

Character/Series: Edward Elric/Riza Hawkeye; Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)
Rating: PG-13
Notes: AU to EoS. Generally, assume that Ed never went to Germany and the military group stayed status quo.
Title: That Summer Chapter 2: I'm All Alone And I Need You Now
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 3457
Summary: "Goddamn, I need a shower," Edward griped as he stepped into the house, rubbing his neck with his discarded shirt.

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Feb. 16th, 2013


[Edward Elric/Riza Hawkeye; PG-13] That Summer: Chapter 1

Character/Series: Edward Elric/Riza Hawkeye; Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)
Rating: PG-13
Notes: AU to EoS. Generally, assume that Ed never went to Germany and the military group stayed status quo.
Title: That Summer Chapter 1: A Thousand Miles From Nowhere
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 7217
Summary: Winter was fighting a losing battle in the Western provinces, where farmers had turned sod and prairie into viable farming land.

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May. 26th, 2012


[Edward Elric, Alfons Heiderich; R] Jacob's Ladder 2/2

Character/Series: Edward Elric, Alfons Heiderich; AU to the movie.
Rating: R
Notes: Second part to Failed Attempts To Fly. Please don't blame me if you go through a box of tissue reading this.
Title: Jacob's Ladder
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 9373
Summary: Hohenheim's voice woke them from a sound sleep.

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Feb. 25th, 2012


[Alfons Heiderich, Edward Elric; G] God In The Stars

Character/Series: Alfons Heiderich, Edward Elric; FMA original series
Rating: G
Notes: Brief cameo by Hohenheim. Set pre-movie, post-series.
Title: God In The Stars
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 1680
Summary: Alfons was a scientist, logical, rational, intelligent.

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Jan. 5th, 2012


[Edward Elric, Alfons Heideric; G] It's Getting Kinda Late, It's Dark Outside

Character/Series: Edward Elric/Alfons Heiderich
Rating: G
Notes: Set one year after A Year Since We Fell In Love
Title: It's Getting Kinda Late, It's Dark Outside
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 232
Summary: "It's our anniversary again," Edward said quietly.

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Aug. 30th, 2011


[Edward Elric/Alfons Heiderich; G] Before They Hit The Ground

Character/Series: Edward Elric, Alfons Heiderich; Fullmetal Alchemist (Original)
Rating: G
Notes: Written for theme "rain."
Title: Before They Hit The Ground
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 202
Summary: He stares out the window when it rains.

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Aug. 29th, 2011


[Edward Elric; PG] Even With Regret

Character/Series: Edward Elric; Fullmetal Alchemist (original)
Rating: PG
Notes: Second person POV.
Title: Even With Regret
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 279
Summary: Your world has changed.

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Jun. 30th, 2011


[Edward Elric; R] Somehow This Hell Is Home

Character/Series: Edward Elric; Fullmetal Alchemist (original)
Rating: R
Notes: Written for first line prompt 'So this is Hell. The walls need paint.' from [info]emilie_burns. Sorry this took so long, love. :( I suck.
Title: Somehow This Hell Is Home
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 550
Summary: So this is Hell. The walls need paint.

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Jun. 26th, 2011


[Edward Elric/Alfons Heiderich; PG] Kaffeeklatsch

Character/Series: Edward Elric, Alfons Heiderich; Fullmetal Alchemist (Original)
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for prompt "coffee."
Title: Kaffeeklatsch
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 774
Summary: Alfons had long since learned that leaving a cup of coffee unattended was a dangerous thing to do in that household.

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Jun. 15th, 2011


[Edward Elric/Alfons Heiderich; PG] A Year Since We Fell In Love

Character/Series: Edward Elric, Alfons Heiderich; Fullmetal Alchemist (original)
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for [info]fma_fic_contest prompt 117, 'Romance'.
Title: A Year Since We Fell In Love
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 963
Summary: Edward only noticed it was their 'anniversary' because he'd been counting off the days until his father's promised day that the Thule Society would try to open the Gate and they'd try to sneak Edward home when they did.

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May. 31st, 2011


[Edward Elric; PG] Whiskey Lullaby

Character/Series: Edward Elric; Fullmetal Alchemist (original)
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for prompt 'angel' on [info]fma_fic_contest. Song is slightly misquoted- I changed the gender pronouns.
Title: Whiskey Lullaby
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 476
Summary: His roommate was becoming increasingly concerned about him.

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May. 11th, 2011


[Edward Elric; PG] Impact

Character/Series: Edward Elric; Fullmetal Alchemist (original)
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for [info]52flavors theme #44- The possibility of zero. Light science ahead.
Title: Impact
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 1548
Summary: Too many of the people he might see at the university there in Munich where his father worked were pompus, arrogant and seemed to think they knew nearly everything, and what they didn't know, nobody except them could ever hope to figure out.

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May. 8th, 2011


[Edward Elric/Roy Mustang; PG] Life Goes On

Character/Series: Edward Elric; Roy Mustang; Fullmetal Alchemist (Original)
Rating: PG
Notes: Implied Roy/Riza/Ed poly-triad. Character death.
Title: Life Goes On
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 1016
Summary: "Are you sure about this, Brother?"

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May. 3rd, 2011


[Edward Elric/Alfons Heiderich; Guten Morgen]

Character/Series: Edward Elric, Alfons Heiderich; Fullmetal Alchemist (Original)
Rating: G
Notes: Random inspiration, go go go?
Title: Guten Morgen
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 308
Summary: Cold air hit Edward's skin and he burrowed deeper under the covers, pulling them up over his head until only a bit of gold hair peeked out from under them.

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Apr. 30th, 2011


[Edward Elric/Alfons Heiderich; PG-13] A Soft Word Turneth Away Wrath

Character/Series: Edward Elric; Alfons Heiderich; Fullmetal Alchemist (original)
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Written for [info]emilie_burns.
Title: A Soft Word Turneth Away Wrath
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 1190
Summary: "What the hell did you call me?!"

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Apr. 24th, 2011


[Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric; G] In Sleep You Sang To Me

Character/Series: Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric; Fullmetal Alchemist (Original)
Rating: G
Notes: Written for [info]ceasefire, prompt was "your voice is anaesthesia"
Title: In Sleep You Sang To Me
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 100
Summary: Ed sighed, watching his brother wandering around the dining room in a sleepy haze.

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Apr. 23rd, 2011


[Edward Elric/Riza Hawkeye; PG] The Dating Game

Character/Series: Edward Elric/Riza Hawkeye; Fullmetal Alchemist (Original)
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for [info]emilie_burns's birthday. Happy birthday, love. ♥
Title: The Dating Game
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 1384
Summary: "So, Fullmetal, I see your birthday is tomorrow."

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Apr. 7th, 2011


[Edward Elric/Alfons Heiderich; NC-17] A Bit Of Gold And Braid

Character/Series: Edward Elric/Alfons Heiderich
Rating: NC-17
Notes: Prompt from [info]uofmdragon; 'Hair tie'
Title: A Bit Of Gold And Braid
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 1630
Summary: Alfons sighed over his coffee, wondering what Edward was swearing about this time.

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Feb. 8th, 2010


[Edward Elric/Alfons Heiderich; PG] Every Day The Same

Character/Series: Edward Elric/Alfons Heiderich; Fullmetal Alchemist
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for [info]31_days Feb 8 th theme; It’s all the same
Title: Every Day The Same
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 673
Summary: Every day was exactly the same.

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Feb. 4th, 2010


[Alfons Heiderich/Edward Elric; PG] Kiss The Sun

Character/Series: Alfons Heiderich/Edward Elric; Fullmetal Alchemist
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for [info]31_days Feb 4th theme; "Sunkissed
Title: Kiss The Sun
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 100
Summary: Alfons had the crazy thought of Edward as a fallen star.

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Feb. 2nd, 2010


[Alphonse Elric; G] To The Person Who Shares My Face And Name

Character/Series: Alphonse Elric; Fullmetal Alchemist
Rating: G
Notes: Written for [info]31_days Feb 2nd theme; "Dear Clone..."
Title: To The Person Who Shares My Face And Name
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 305
Summary: To the person who shares my face and name;

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Jan. 11th, 2010


[Edward Elric/Alfons Heidrich; G] A Distant Star

Character/Series: Edward Elric; Alfons Heidrich; Fullmetal Alchemist
Rating: G
Notes: Written for [info]31_days Jan 11th theme; remote light of an invisible star
Title: A Distant Star
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 100
Summary: If people were stars, Edward Elric was a star already burned out.

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Sep. 16th, 2007


[Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye; R] Hand of Sorrow

Character/Series: Roy Mustang; Riza Hawkeye; Fullmetal Alchemist
Rating: R
Notes: Written for the lovely [info]emilie_burns.
Music: Hand of Sorrow by Within Temptation
Title: Hand of Sorrow
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 855
Summary: Roy Mustang was very practiced at lying.

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Sep. 2nd, 2007


[Edward Elric x Alfons Heiderich; NC-17] Fingertips

Character/Series: Edward Elric; Alfons Heiderich; Fullmetal Alchemist
Rating: NC-17
Notes: Written for Post Your Fandom Porn Day
Music: Fingertips - Poe
Title: Fingertips
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 616
Summary: Alfons was always fascinated by the feel of Edward's hands, of the two different sensations as his fingertips would slide across his body.

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Aug. 15th, 2007


[breda; r] Tough Love

Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Title: Tough Love
Author: [info]emilie_burns
Pairing: none, breda gen, though maybe roy/riza if you squint right.
Rating: R (language)
Word Count: 1400
Disclaimer: Fullmetal Alchemist (Hagane no Renkinjutsushi) is copyrighted by Hiromu Arakawa/Square Enix.
Warnings: Spoiler Alert for end of series/movie.
Author's Notes: This idea was written on the fly in less than an hour after reading [info]rubytuesday5681's post, and skimming a list of fic prompts in an asylum for a quick bunny bite. The new creation of [info]the_unpopular helped set up the POV character. Excuse the rushed tone it might have -- I had to leave and I wanted to get this posted so I could have written something to get off the 6A bitchfest. And thanks to [info]yuuo for some of the ideas on Breda's characterization here.
Summary: "Just because he's gone doesn't mean you're dead, so stop living like it."

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Jun. 16th, 2007


[roy/riza; pg] Clean

Theme: 16 - how fire took water to wife (52_Flavours)
Characters: Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye
Series: Fullmetal Alchemist
Rating: PG
Notes: Fullmetal Alchemist (Hagane no Renkinjutsushi) is copyrighted by Hiromu Arakawa/Square Enix. This is a work of fanfiction for personal entertainment only. Both concrit and comments welcome and desired. No real spoilers in terms of what happened; this could apply to either manga or anime. Pure WAFFy fluff here. Well, fluff'n'angst. It's short, and considering the theme, of course it would be WAFFy.
Title: Clean
Author: [info]emilie_burns
Word Count: 427
Summary: If he touched her with those hands, dirty with war and blood and death, then she would be covered with it too. He couldn't do that, not to her.
Original LJ Post Date: September 09, 2005 @ 52_Flavours

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Jun. 13th, 2007


[maria ross/gracia hughes; r] Moving On

Title: Moving On
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairing: Gracia Hughes x Maria Ross, with Maes Hughes x Gracia Hughes history, of course.
Rating: R
Wordcount: 4453
Theme: "Understanding, it's misunderstood" written for IDAHO (International Day Against Homophobia) fandom challenge 2007. (celebrate_idaho)
Warning: End of series, maybe?
Disclaimer: Fullmetal Alchemist (Hagane no Renkinjutsushi) is copyrighted by Hiromu Arakawa/Studio BONES/Square Enix. This is a work of fanfiction for personal entertainment only. Gracia's mother is partially inspired by Carnivale's Rita Sue, only far less slutty and far more proper.
Author's Notes: I've been wanting to write this pairing for a while. I apologize if it happens to come across as a little stilted in parts, I was having some initial trouble with figuring out how to handle the challenge theme with what I wanted to write, and vice versa.
Teaser: She still missed him -- that would never truly go away. Part of her heart was buried with him, and would remain there. But little by little, the empty hole left behind stopped hurting. The loneliness faded. The sun came back.
Chanson du Jour: Janis Ian : Have Mercy Love (6.81MB; mp3)
Original LJ Post Date: May 17, 2007 @ Chaotic_Library

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Jun. 12th, 2007


[Edward x Alfons; PG-13] No Day But Today

Character/Series: Edward Elric; Alfons Heiderich; Fullmetal Alchemist
Rating: PG-13
Notes: For [info]kefanii for her birthday, 'cause I am poor as dirt and this doesn't cost anything. :D Aren't I an awesome friend? ♥ Warning for implied sexual situations? Eh, it's PG-13, and you'd see more in a PG-13 movie than I describe here.
Music: Rent - Finale B
Title: No Day But Today
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 435
Summary: Edward felt like he was slowly being brought back to life.
Original LJ Post Date: June 4, 2007 @ Chaotic_Library

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[Edward Elric; PG] Dies Irae

Character/Series: Edward Elric; Hohenheim Elric; Fullmetal Alchemist
Rating: PG
Notes: Post-series spoilers.
Music: Mozart's Requiem - Sequence: Dies Irae Hopelessly pompous and churchy and zomgdoom-sounding. But this is me, not caring. It's neat to listen to. And short.
Title: Dies Irae
Author: [info]yuuo
Word Count: 990
Summary: There were no mirrors in Edward's room.
Original LJ Post Date: Aug 17, 2006 @ Chaotic_Library

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