January 19th, 2010

[info]bethholden in [info]chaostheory_rpg

Who: Beth Holden & (OPEN)
When: Week Seven, Saturday afternoon
What: Beth brings back the Christmas tree
Where: Pod Lobby

The tree farm's flatbed had just dropped off the Christmas tree, and the delivery man and driver had forklifted it into the lobby. Beth was carefully sawing through the twine that had kept the branches flat for transport, and the new extra-large tree stand was already put together and waiting for the trunk although she imagined she was gonna need a little help maneuvering the twelve foot tree upright.

But, one step at a time. First, twine. Second, branch-fluffing. Third, she'd twist a few arms and recruit a few "volunteers" to help her stand the tree up.

Decoration was not her bag, though.