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Skipped Back 20

January 1st, 2009

Manager comes back online

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A couple of days after the self-destruct sequence begins, a lot of things happen, nearly simultaneously. The prisoners who had been held by the skrulls are released (perhaps inadvertent, perhaps by the Manager), and the employees who had been replacing The Manager all flee, and are not seen or heard from again, unless they are unfortunate enough to run into someone along the way who has figured out what is going on.

At the moment when the prisoners are freed, the Manager comes back online, and a large sign appears in the lobby and in each room of the residence, including bathrooms, library, guest rooms, restaurants...everywhere one might look. It reads:

The Management wishes to apologize for the prolonged absence at the hands of the Skrull invaders. During this absence, the self-destruct sequence set in place millenia ago was automatically activated, and is completely irreversible.

Evacuation of the entire population of Here will commence in the next 24 to 115 hours. Anyone who has not evacuated by that time will surely perish. The Management urges all residents to gather whatever items they may wish to take with them. In each resident's domicile, a Chaos Cube will appear under a glass dome in the next 24 hours. Each cube will be labeled with a resident's name, and will transport the recipient and anything or anyone it touches back to their point of origin. Consider carefully whom and what you are touching when you touch the cube: the transfer is irreversible once activated.

It has been a pleasure serving you these past centuries. The Manager is available via the message tube for any questions you may need answered or any assistance you require.

December 30th, 2008

Presto versus Presto; Open to Mallory.

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Who: Presto, Skrull Presto, and Mallory
What: Presto wakes, a battle ensues, and revelations begin
When: Heretime!
Where: From a Skrull ship to outside the Residence
Warnings? Cursing, character death, violence

War of the Wizards )

December 28th, 2008

Damn and Damn

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Who: Jack and Anyone.
Where: The Residence - his and the Doctor's room, first floor.
When: As the Announcement is made.

To say that the alarm was alarming would've been redundant, so he didn't say anything.

Jack rolled out of bed, pulled his revolver from under the mattress and stood in the dark, listening. Thunder was still rolling in the distance and the alarm wasn't really an alarm, so much as an announcement. He pulled on his jeans, wondering where the Doctor was and what the hell was going on now. He didn't want to go naked into the hallway and give anyone a scare.

He opened the door and stepped outside, gun at the ready.

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Lizzie is frantic, she has read the notice but there are so many things that she doesn't understand.

She leaves her room and heads out into the corridors to try and learn more. She reaches a window and the outsides look so different so unlike anything she's ever seen before, she stifles a cry and continues her search, there is only one person she trusts in this situation and she needs to find him.

What the frak? - Lee and Kara

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Lee was sleeping in his and Kara's bed when the alarm goes off. For a moment he thought he was back on Galactica with alarms going off.

He sits bolt upright in bed and looks across to Kara.

"What the Frak?"

December 25th, 2008

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Brooke heard the announcement while she was in the Boutique, shopping, and ran upstairs.
She knocked on Peyton's door, screaming for her friend to open.
When she did, she saw Peyton was as pale as she must be.
"What's happening?" they asked each other in unison.

December 18th, 2008

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Elaine was sewing in her room when she heard the announcement, and sat up abruptly, her eyes widening, and one hand pressing protectively against her belly.

Destruct? But... She put her sewing down and got up from her chair with some difficulty. She had to find her husband. He would be out on the grounds somewhere.

Sparhawk?? Did you hear that? she thought to him desperately, as she went out of their rooms and headed out to find him.

Upon going outside, she stood stock still at the changes that had occurred in their surroundings.

"Sparhawk!" she shouted, nervous and frightened now.

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Cassie is meditating when she feels a disturbance. A shift, perhaps. Something changed. She opens her eyes in time to hear the announcement and her eyes widen. Fear rushes over her. Self destruct? What will happen to the residents if they cannot save themselves?

Her voice urgent, "Billy?"

December 17th, 2008

The beginning of the end...

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The sound is something akin to thunder that dies down slowly, as if rolling away like a huge wave of sound. There is change in the quality of light as it takes on an orange tinge, and second sun appears in the sky, smaller than the one the residents are used to seeing, and red in color. Once the thunder dies away, a loud booming voice recognizable as the Manager sounds out, audible to every living being in every corner of Here.


The message repeats twice more, and a large countdown clock materializes in the lobby with days, hours, minutes and seconds marked in descending numbers.

All staff that appeared on the day that the Manager disappeared seem stunned and confused, and there is a lot of hurrying around as they try to assure any startled or frightened residents that the situation is under control, and that they should go about their normal business.

The borders of Here, past which no one has been able to travel past before, are suddenly expanded as the barriers that protect the area fall, and the 'real' nature of the planet they are on is revealed:

There is a ruined wasteland of what was once a grand and advanced civilization many eons it is a wild and uninhabitable stretch of tundra with the skeletal remains of a towns and cities. Many miles To the east of the Residence, though not visible from the buildings of Here, there are three large aircraft, and a scattering of several portable buildings. A contingent of beings in identical uniforms that give off the unmistakable air of soldier-like behavior are moving around like a hive of bees, all working on different tasks, urgently.

December 15th, 2008

Thinking Things Over - OTA

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Brooke was just taking a walk on the grounds, enjoying the crisp morning air. She had just found out everything that had happened back home while she had been Here. It was a lot to take in and she needed to think about it.

December 8th, 2008

The Doctor (OTA)

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The Doctor's crouched behind a chair in the Lobby, searching along the floor for a puzzle piece.

He's very botherable. Poke him if you'd like to chat.

December 2nd, 2008

The Doctor and Lizzie (locked kthnx)

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The Doctor is wandering around the residence, searching for Cube pieces, but also keeping an eye on the new employees.

Something was off - he wasn't sure what.

For now, he's in the music room, sitting underneath the piano with his legs sticking out, and running the sonic screwdriver along the base.

November 27th, 2008

In the halls [open]

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River is walking through the hallways, her hand trailing along one wall.

Walls. There were always walls between people. There were walls in River's head.

"Shouldn't be," she murmured.

There were strange things here. Things that shouldn't be here. She could feel them, fingertips on the other side of the wall, reaching for hers, wanting to talk.

"Don't touch."

She paled. There are too many dead people here. She clenched her hand at her throat.

"Don't be angry."

November 21st, 2008

Lizzie Bennett OTA

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Lizzie is in the ballroom sat at a pianoforte. She is trying to recall a piece that she used to play. The music is very start stop and her brow is creased with concentration.

Maureen OTA the Library

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Maureen is feeling the cold, she is wrapped in several layers and has found a seat near a heater.

She has a book open about costume.

She sometimes takes notes.

Lee Adama OTA

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Lee is outside the residence warming up, he's doing some calf stretches and then some hamstring stretches.

Looks like he's going for a run.

November 17th, 2008

The Gym Room - OTA

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Peyton walked into the Gym Room to work out a little. It was a while she hadn't done so and she kept hearing Derek's voice in her ears reminding her she had to practice. She walked to the punching bag and started working out.

November 12th, 2008

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Hagrid has a new pen beside his little house, with three sheep-like animals grazing contentedly enough. He is leaning against the wall of his home, watching them, and absently feeding his baby dragon tiny scraps of meat. Despite being months old, the small dragon hasn't grown any bigger, but he doesn't love it any less. He's decided to name it Ash, because of the small piles of ash it seems to leave behind here and there.

Fang is interested in the new animals, as well. He's got his enormous paws on the low wall penning them in, and is sniffing the air curiously. The smallest of three seems just a curious, and bleats at the large dog as it prances around its parents.

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Mallory is lying on one of the docks by the lake, staring into the sky and thinking Deep Thoughts...or maybe just day dreaming.

Things don't feel right to her lately...shouldn't winter be here by now?

A lot had changed over the past few months, and sometimes it just made her wonder...

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Bobby is near the stables making snow angels.

Not the kind where you lay down in a pile of snow and move your arms and legs, but three dimensional angels. They have a basic structure of ice, and he is covering them with snow, and working on putting detail on them.

His tongue is sticking out as he concentrates on getting the feathers on the wings right.
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