August 24th, 2013


Slight Rule Change

Hello again,

We just wanted to let you know that we've changed the 'Banned Fandoms' rule slightly, as we've run into a couple of issues with it/the list. Basically, we're asking those of you applying for characters from books to provide us with an up to date link regarding the author's policy on fan fic/fan works (if they have one). We want to respect their wishes, but as we've found, you're generally more knowledgeable than we are as you're the one's playing in the fandoms. Doing a simple search doesn't always net us the most up to date/correct information. That said, we will check that information. We've added a section to the app for it, which will hopefully clear things up for others as well. Oh, and a Canon Point section was added to the app recently also.

Have a good weekend everyone, we'll have some game information for you by the end of it. :)

Nina and Sara



Greetings - Jonas Winston

Hello all! I am so glad to be in this game based on one of my favorite series, "Carnivale". It ended far too quickly and if you haven't watched the DVDs, DO IT!! I bring to the traveling troupe, Jonas "Gar" Winston. He is an OC with Nikki Six as his face. Jonas gets/got his nickname from how fast and furious he strikes, like the fish when getting into, or stopping trouble. He's a former steel worker from Northern California, on the run from and unjustified Murder charge. Check out his profile or journal for the full details. He's a single, very handsome, very big guy. He's six foot 7 and weighs 250 pounds. You don't want to piss him off or start a fight with him. He has a large collection of bandanas, and there is always one hanging out of his right rear jean pocket, or on his trailer door knob. You will have to get to know him to know what they mean. AIM is DarkCarnieGar, and we are around nights and weekends PST/PDT. See you in the Coochie Tent!

EDIT: I've realized with his long, shaggy hair, in the 30's will make Gar a target for a lot of harassment, and jokes from the men of the Era the Carnaval takes place. So, bring it on! I can see them teasing him for having "a woman's hair" or some shit. Anyway, feel free to needle him about it. LET'S PLAY!