August 23rd, 2013



[No Subject]

Hi everyone! I'm Di and I'm bringing in Diana Tregarde from the infamously unpopular Diana Tregarde Investigations books by Mercedes Lackey. Coming out at the tail end of the 1980's, these books were before their time. Urban fantasy didn't really exist as a genre yet, and it seemed an odd evolution out of the supernatural horror popularized by Anne Rice in the previous decade. The books flopped, unfortunately, and Lackey decided not to write anymore. In came an angry torrent of flame letters and death threats from crazy people who were convinced the stories were real and that Lackey was suppressing THE TRUTH about Guardians and the supernatural. She published an letter in response, which is quite surreal and almost hilarious considering the subject matter. If you're interested, you can read it here. Us die-hard Lackey fans take some bit of solace in believing that the series helped open the door for the genre, as authors like Jim Butcher have cited Diana Tregarde as an inspiration for The Dresden Files.

So, basically, Diana Tregarde is an occult investigator. She often contracts with the police department to help solve cases of les weird. It helps that Diana is a longtime practicing witch and Guardian, which basically means she has a moral/spiritual duty to protect the world. Unfortunately, as the Brothers Winchester can relate, being one of the good guys doesn't exactly pay the bills. Diana is a successful writer on the side. What kind of writer? Why, romance novels, of course! She's absolutely unabashed about it, and never misses a chance to have someone read her previews. All in all, Diana is a cheerful and witty person. She has to be, or else dealing with all kinds of evil would drive her insane. Here in the world of Carnaval, Diana is going to be a candy vendor. She also has a bit of a side business going on, where she sells chapters of her romance novels to (mostly) naughty housewives disguised as religious pamphlets. This is the 1930's, after all!

I am a huge chatterbox (you may have noticed, haha) and I love to plot or just chitchat. Feel free to message me on AIM at anytime at kmkzwtrmlnz. I enjoy throwing my little lady into all kinds of situations with every personality, so I'm sure we can come up with fun interactions. If I'm not on AIM, or if you don't use it, you can drop me a line under Diana's contact post. Hope to talk to you all soon!

Added Jobs

Hi folks!

Just a quick note to let you know that we've added a few jobs today (and one the other day). We have a Stunt Motorcyclist (M) position available in the Big Top. The Snake Charmer has been moved to the Freak Show and been replaced in the Animal Show by a Kangaroo Boxer (M) and Kangaroo (NPC). There's a 'Half-and-Half' (M) position available in the Freak Show. Aaand a new Side Show featuring an Escape Artist (M/F).

As things haven't started yet, we're happy for people to change if any of those appeal.

Nina and Sara