Posts Tagged: 'wade+wilson'

Apr. 7th, 2018


I'm immune to toxins and a lot of sicknesses, my Pammy made sure of that. She's a scientist and gave me a shot.

So I don't care if you cough on me.



I'm afraid I'm quite ill, but if there is any way I can assist from my quarantine, I would like to do so.

I hate feeling useless.

Apr. 5th, 2018



So, um. It's much nicer in here than it is out there. I'm not sure that's saying much, but...hi? I'm Peter Parker. I'm working on tech here.

Nice to meet you all, I think?

Apr. 1st, 2018



Why can't I find any of my underwear?


Mar. 28th, 2018



I don't suppose this place has any booze stashed around here.

Mar. 27th, 2018


Does anyone think my outfit kind of looks like a Pokemon Gym Leader's?

Mar. 26th, 2018


[Little Ellie]
I'm going to let some dude play with my katanas. Wanna come watch him make an ass out of himself?



When does it get warm? Christ, I'm so sick of being cold and wet.

Mar. 23rd, 2018



I really quite miss The Golden Girls reruns.

Mar. 16th, 2018



It looks like we had two more people sent back during the night. John Watson and Mycroft Holmes.

If anyone has any questions - not that I really have answers - or just wanted to talk about it I'm around.
Or if you've noticed anyone else not here today please let me know.



You lucky sonava bitches who can get drunk. That's right, I AM LOOKING AT ALL OF YOU. ESPECIALLY YOU.

[Little Ellie]

Thankfully I don't need hold your hair if you puke.

Mar. 15th, 2018


WHO: Deadpool & Negasonic Teenage Warhead
WHEN: [Backdated] to their arrival
WHERE: Wilderness, outside of camp
WHAT: Being superbadasses and taking out an Alien. Deadpool scoops up a weakened Negasonic and carries her to where he say the camp. Don't worry, he puts her down before anyone sees!
WARNINGS: Violence & language
STATUS: Complete!

You killed that mother fucker. )

Mar. 14th, 2018



Hi, my name's Anne and I'm a victim of time travel.

(This is the part where you say Hi, Anne!)

So, I fell from 2002 to...2018. I always wanted to age slow but yanno... Kind of in my own world and in a more natural way. No botox, wholesome Californian look, no rips in world dimensions sort of way. Hey, a girl can't have it all I guess. I do like how leather jackets seemed to have made a big comeback in 2018. Personal preference.

Mar. 11th, 2018



[Filtered away from The 100]

Um, I have a bit of a problem, guys.

Look Here.

Mar. 10th, 2018



Anyone still laid up need anything? I can bring whatever you need by just let me know.

Screw it - bring on the rest of the judgement -
Also btw, I'm a vampire.
I'm not going to tl'dr everyone but the basics are: I'm not here to hurt anyone here and I haven't hurt anyone here.
I understand if this is a deal breaker for people so just let me know if that's past your comfort zone and I'll stay out of your way.

If you have questions, I'll answer them.

Hey can I ask you something?

Mar. 8th, 2018



Deadpool and I hung around that Predator. He wasn't so bad. Unless it's a different one.

I'm boooored. Why can't I fight the predator? Just gimmie a big bazooka.

Mar. 7th, 2018



Just a heads up for everyone that the thing you probably all just noticed? Don't try to walk through that. If anyone needs to get out of the camp let me know and we can arrange it - I highly suggest no one leave until we've taken care of what's out there. This will keep it from being able to get back in though.

Anyone who wants to help out with taking down that thing - Predator apparently - let's meet up. Community center within the hour good for everyone? Also anyone who's familiar with the movie would be helpful, even if you don't feel like you'd be able to go out and deal with it, we could use any information we can get.

Mar. 6th, 2018



Found some more of what you and the others came across yesterday, Sam. Closer in though - I'd say under a mile out.

Might be an idea to have a few more eyes keeping watch on the gate for a while until we figure out what's out there.