Posts Tagged: 'mycroft+holmes'

Mar. 3rd, 2018



( A picture is posted of a stack of board games (Life, Sorry, Battleship, Clue, and Monopoly) with a bottle of mostly full vodka and a bottle of mostly full Jameson on top. )

8 pm tonight. Who's in?

Feb. 25th, 2018


Who: The Holmes brothers (brief appearance by John Watson).
What: Mycroft actually shows emotion and Sherlock attempts to help. Baby steps.
Where: First the clinic, then one of the greenhouses.
When: Wednesday, February 14.
Warnings: Total and complete meltdowns? A lot of anxiety.
Status: Complete.

This wasn't the place for his brother.  )

Feb. 20th, 2018



[Private to Sherlock]
They have the board game Cluedo in the library. The Americans just call it Clue.

Feb. 14th, 2018



I'm not one given to idle chit chat, but I've deemed it necessary to introduce myself. My name is Mycroft Holmes, brother of Sherlock. For a bit of perspective, I was the one being chased by the green giant outside the gate, yesterday. Please tell me somebody killed the damned creature.