Posts Tagged: 'noctis+lucis+caelum'

Apr. 25th, 2018



( posted is a photo of prompto and noctis' pet collection this image. )

i'm still not really sure whats going on but its nice to have some animals around

Apr. 24th, 2018




Does this mean I don't have to do homework?



So what, the universe just decides that Tuesdays aren't a black hole of sucking enough that it decided to throw in kidnapping to the mix?

Apr. 23rd, 2018



This thing is so cool.

Hello? Is anyone out there? My name is Sara.

I have no idea where I am or why I'm here, but I found a stash of booze. Who wants to party?

Apr. 16th, 2018



Sooooo... the fan belt on our jeep is pretty much gonna be toast within a few trips here and I can't really do much without making something else toast in a few trips - so long story short... who wants to go look for vehicle parts with (ETA: Raven) and me?



You ever realize how little you are in the grand scheme of the universe? Smaller than dust particles.

Apr. 15th, 2018



So I was cleaning out one of the rooms in the community center and found a piano - anyone have dibs on it or anything?

Apr. 10th, 2018



Ugh. It'd be super cool if we can never do that again.

Apr. 6th, 2018



Anyone need anything? You're not going to infect me so I definitely don't mind running around delivering stuff. I've rounded up all the hand sanitizer I can find too and I'll drop those off for everyone today.

ETA: Unless you're heading to medical please stay inside if you're sick - we've got enough people who can't get sick who can run around for you, you don't need to do it. Hopefully that will keep things more contained. And I'll clean out some of the empty townhouses in case anyone wants a space away from sick housemates.

Hey so he's fine I think - but I've got Prompto here at the community center with me, he offered to help with the hand sanitizer round up and pretty sure he's got what's going around. He says he's good but he pretty much got about halfway down the hall and practically fell down so I'm making him let me help him elsewhere - just let me know if you want me to bring him to your guys place or medical.

Mar. 20th, 2018



I kinda want to go out on a supply run or something. Stretch my legs a bit. Get out of the house, so to speak.

I'm also craving peanut butter cups like nobody's business.

I miss you*

*[OOC: Nothing sent]

Mar. 15th, 2018



So. We're all supposed to introduce ourselves on here or something? Middle of some damn apocalypse and I'm still stuck with social media -

I'm Otabek.

Mar. 14th, 2018



( posted is this picture but pretend it's this dog and this dog )

It's too early for this much cuteness.

Mar. 12th, 2018



As most of you have probably noticed, the wall that surrounded camp has been lifted. The predator has been dealt with but I still suggest sticking close by unless needed, and to not head out alone. If you need to leave camp check in at the gate so they can let the scouting group know you're out there and make sure you've grabbed a radio too.

filtered to noctis;
How are you feeling?

Mar. 10th, 2018



Anyone still laid up need anything? I can bring whatever you need by just let me know.

Screw it - bring on the rest of the judgement -
Also btw, I'm a vampire.
I'm not going to tl'dr everyone but the basics are: I'm not here to hurt anyone here and I haven't hurt anyone here.
I understand if this is a deal breaker for people so just let me know if that's past your comfort zone and I'll stay out of your way.

If you have questions, I'll answer them.

Hey can I ask you something?

Mar. 7th, 2018



Just a heads up for everyone that the thing you probably all just noticed? Don't try to walk through that. If anyone needs to get out of the camp let me know and we can arrange it - I highly suggest no one leave until we've taken care of what's out there. This will keep it from being able to get back in though.

Anyone who wants to help out with taking down that thing - Predator apparently - let's meet up. Community center within the hour good for everyone? Also anyone who's familiar with the movie would be helpful, even if you don't feel like you'd be able to go out and deal with it, we could use any information we can get.



Filtered to Medical

I need to know what type of skills/training you all have.

There's a good chance we're going to need them soon given what we're dealing with.



There is a dead... something... strung up on my front porch.

Mar. 6th, 2018



Found some more of what you and the others came across yesterday, Sam. Closer in though - I'd say under a mile out.

Might be an idea to have a few more eyes keeping watch on the gate for a while until we figure out what's out there.

Feb. 21st, 2018



Hey, so, if any of our medical professionals are around and not completely swamped with something else, I have - a minor issue. That I could use a little help with. When you get a chance. Out behind the eastern greenhouse.

Some weather, huh?

Feb. 20th, 2018



Hi [...] again?. Heard from Prompto. Looks like the supply team that headed out this morning won't be back until tomorrow. They're alright, just stuck because of the snow. I can send messages to anyone there through the armiger ah, crap by magic if you want. Otherwise, I'll let you guys know if something changes.