Posts Tagged: 'charles+xavier'

Apr. 7th, 2018



I'm afraid I'm quite ill, but if there is any way I can assist from my quarantine, I would like to do so.

I hate feeling useless.

Mar. 15th, 2018



[Charles Xavier]
Head's up. I volunteered us to help a young mutant named Klara with her powers. I didn't think you'd have a problem with that.

Mar. 11th, 2018



Who: Raven Darkholme and Charles Xavier
Where: Townhouse 8
When: Backdated to after this conversation.
What: Siblings reunited
Warnings: Probably medium for language, discussion of canon-related violence and character death
Status: Closed, in progress

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Mar. 8th, 2018



So do you guys always roll out monsters as a welcome mat, or are Sheppard and I just special?

Mar. 5th, 2018



So apparently it's common to use this to introduce yourself here.

Hey, I'm Jo. Just got here today.

Feb. 19th, 2018



Five people are missing. Only one of them is inherently capable of taking care of himself out there.

Volunteers for a scouting mission? I'm going out, looking for them regardless. They've been gone less than 12 hours, they couldn't have gotten far on foot and no vehicles are missing, so I figure we've got a good chance at finding them if they're out there.



(( posted earlier today, around 9 am and if the list is missing anyone/spelled wrong that's my bad please let me know ))

Has anyone seen Benji or Jesse? They - they weren't here when I woke up this morning.
But it doesn't look like they left either. I've looked around camp and can't find them, but they wouldn't go outside the camp.

ETA: Or Chris, Connor or Evan who are also unaccounted for.

And now because I'm more than a little concerned, can everyone check in please? I'll mark you off this list once you do:
Argentum, Prompto ✓
Banner, Bruce ✓
Blake, Octavia ✓
Griffin, Clarke ✓
Collins, Finn ✓
Dameron, Poe ✓
Eretria ✓
Forbes, Caroline ✓
Gard, Sigrun ✓
Highwind, Aranea ✓
Holmes, Mycroft ✓
Holmes, Sherlock ✓
Ladrian, Wax ✓
Lance, Sara ✓
Leonis, Cor ✓
Lucis Caelum, Noctis ✓
Maximoff, Wanda ✓
Murphy, John
Reyes, Raven ✓
Romanoff, Natasha ✓
Stilinski, Stiles ✓
Tate, Malia ✓
Watson, John ✓
Winchester, Sam ✓
Xavier, Charles ✓



I believe that I nearly have the library organized. That was a behemoth of a task, to be sure.

As I mentioned before, I would like to open it as a lending library. If we simply leave it open for everyone to come and take what they will, I fear we may end up with knowledge being hoarded simply through carelessness.

But if we have a system for checking out and returning books, then the knowledge in those books will be available for everyone, in their turn.

I have catalogued them all, so it will not be difficult to track them and perform daily inventories by hand.

Feb. 18th, 2018




Would you mind helping me with something? If you have a little time.

Feb. 17th, 2018



cut for length )

Feb. 1st, 2018



Hey. I'm Sara Lance. Been here a few months.

We've had a lot of new folks express interest in helping with the defense of this place. Which is good, because the more people we have here, the more important it is that we don't allow monsters to breach our walls.

That being said, we need to make sure you are actually capable of defeating said monsters if they attack the camp. So I'd like to know about your experience and we're going to set up a training regiment to make sure we're all on the same page.

And those of you who have no fighting experience? We're going to set up some basic self defense lessons for you. This is not a happy, sunshiney place and everyone needs to be prepared for whatever might come at us.

Jan. 31st, 2018



Greetings, Camp.

After a long day trying to create some sort of order in the library (a daunting task, I might add), I have several thoughts about the matter.

First. If we are truly the last humans alive in this version of our Earth, something must be done to protect and preserve this intellectual history. Leaving these books disorganized and strewn all over the ground to collect mildew and insects is absolutely unacceptable. Our legacy as a species must matter more than that.

Secondly, what are the education levels of the people here? I’m aware that some of you are quite educated and I would ask you to join me in setting up some sort of educational system for those who are not. On the off chance that this group is able to persevere through multiple generations, we would also need to think about educating children, although that is, obviously, a quite distant concern.

Thirdly, I think someone should begin a chronicle of our time here. We should record our names, origins, our experiences since we have arrived...whether we fail or succeed this will be a priceless volume for those who come after us.

Lastly, I believe the library should return to its original purpose. These books should be available to all, but only on loan. No one should be able to hoard them, and reserve their knowledge only for themselves. Knowledge must be public and accessible.

[Telepathic to Natasha]

AHA! I have found a cookbook that claims to be ‘for dummies’. Surely we could succeed with one of these recipes?

Jan. 30th, 2018



Now that I can actually type and take full advantage of the network, hi. I'm Jesse. I got here a little over a week ago. I was in pretty bad shape, but they fixed me right up at the infirmary.

Shout out to Benji who's taken care of me, and Caroline who's put up with me at the house for the last week or so. And of course the acamazing Dr Watson and Noctis. Healing by magic is weird. Not exactly what I thought it would be, but not really different either. Tingly, it almost tickled on the inside.

Jan. 29th, 2018


[Private to Charles]

Out of curiosity, do I need to use the network to message you, when I'd like to get hold of you? Can I think in your direction? Is it like a phone call, or is that considered intrusive?

Part of the package deal with me is a healthy level of intellectual curiosity.



We have some new people in camp, so I ought to introduce myself again. I'm John, and I'm a doctor who is also a Captain in the British Army, trained to deal with injuries sustained on the battlefield. So, I'm able to treat just about anything from heartburn to bullet wounds.

Some time in the near future, I'd like to give everybody a complete physical evaluation and collect your medical data to have on hand, in case of an emergency. It will also include a living will for what you want done with your body and belongings should you die. Yes, I want this to be mandatory. Yes, everything will be strictly confidential - nobody will know your personal data besides you and I.

Besides that, I have zero interest in being the Camp Mother. If somebody is wounded and they don't want to get help, or think they can fix themselves up, be my guest. Just don't bleed everywhere, and know that Sherlock will probably want to claim your body for research purposes. The only thing I'm serious about is if you have something contagious that you make sure you contact me and come to the Infirmary immediately to have it taken care of. Don't try to solider on and keep doing your job, all the while spreading whatever illness you have around. This shouldn't be taken lightly. It sucks to be sick, but it would suck even more if everybody in camp comes down with the flu, or typhoid, or the bubonic plague because of you.

Private to Sherlock )

Private to Jesse and Noctis )

Jan. 28th, 2018



[Caroline, Natasha, Sam]

Good day.

I didn’t tell you this yesterday but I wasn’t sure if would be relevant, but I have a good bit of experience in organizing and training. If you would like to take advantage of those skills you have only to ask.

I am happy to do what I can In the library,, but I feel that I should do more.



I see I'm late to the party. Chris Argent. I was an arms dealer back home and provided extensive armed security for those who hired me. If you're picturing mall cop security, you've already got it wrong. Stiles and I are from the same place. I don't like to waste time or energy, whether it is my own or another person's, so I'll leave it at that.

Let me know how I can help around here and I'll see it gets done.

Filtered: Sam Winchester, Natasha Romanoff, and Caroline Forbes

Stiles told me that you are the unofficial supervisors of the camp. He made it abundantly clear that none of you has officially taken on the role or title of leader, so know that there is no misunderstanding. I just wanted to know who it would be most constructive to talk to in terms of camp operations, and he named the three of you.

Continued. )

Filtered: Stiles Stilinski

Will you be back by tonight? Don't feel you have to. I'm up and moving around. I'm moving into the house tomorrow. I'd appreciate your help then as long as you can assure me you won't drill a hole through my head with your incessant talking.

Filtered: Dr. John Watson

I'm grateful for your care. While I'm not near full recovery, I'm moving into the room assigned to me tomorrow. I've no doubt you're going to insist I don't. I won't go into detail for obvious reasons, but know that I've had many similar injuries in the past and I've no doubt I'll have more in the future. I know my body and its limits.

Continued. )



Hi, for anyone I haven't had a chance to talk to yet - I'm Caroline. I hope everyone is getting relatively settled in so far and please let me know if there's anything you need. As per Natasha's post yesterday I did some digging and found enough flashlights to have a few in each house so I'll be running around later dropping those off. If you're not home, they'll be by your door.

Far as I can tell, this is the current list of everyone here*:
Applebaum, Benji
Argentum, Prompto
Collins, Finn
Dameron, Poe
Forbes, Caroline
Hansen, Evan
Holmes, Sherlock
Ladrian, Wax
Lucis Caelum, Noctis
Murphy, Connor
Murphy, John
Reyes, Raven
Romanoff, Natasha
Stilinksi, Stiles
Swanson, Jesse
Winchester, Sam
Watson, John
Xavier, Charles

Is anyone not on this list? There's a hell of lot more of us than two weeks ago so I want to make sure we know exactly how many of us there are, so we know exactly how many of us we'd need to look for if anything went wrong.

A few things that would really help out!
If you haven't gotten clothes sizes to me or Benji let me know now. We've got two people going out tomorrow and two on Tuesday for food and supplies including some extra clothes for everyone.

I have everyone's requests from the last post but for those who weren't there or didn't give it to me you've got until tonight to let me know. I'll take wants but I don't guarantee them but please let me know if there's anything you need.

Let me know what you need for now and we can arrange a better trip for more when you've got a better idea of what the infirmary needs.

I've got the coolers cleaned and ready to go and I'll make sure they're cleaned out again once Prompto and Noctis get back for the next day. I'll have the lists organized and ready to go in the morning - I know Noctis and Prompto are more focused on the lake but if there's anything along the way worth stopping in at you'll have a list.

We will definitely need more coolers.

*ooc: let me know if this is not the name your character would have given, i'm just using the taken page



WHO: Natasha Romanoff and Charles Xavier
WHAT: Bringing her tea
WHEN: Last night
WHERE: Natasha's house
WARNINGS: TBD, most likely none
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

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Jan. 27th, 2018


Hi, everyone -

I'm Natasha Romanoff, I work in the tech department, and I apologize for the impersonal introduction to all the newcomers, but I'm currently laid up in bed with the flu.

I'll be back on my feet in a day or so, and I know everyone is still settling in, but in the meantime, we have a situation that I think bears the input of the whole camp: I'm sure it escapes no one's notice that our numbers have tripled in the last few days, and that we weren't entirely prepared for the influx. Those of us who've been here for a few months have gotten to know each other pretty well, and have more or less hashed out a system that's been working for us, but with new people, personalities, and background experiences now in the mix, it's my opinion that the time's come for all of us to discuss something a little more official. For example: with larger departments now, we could use department heads, and an agreed-upon charter wouldn't hurt, either. I have some ideas for hashing that out.

I've also made a shortlist of ideas that might help over the next few days - obviously feel free to disagree or add more. I'm the one running a fever here.

  • Electricity. We've got three more houses on the grid now and triple the number of devices that need charging. I'd suggest that until the tech team can make a full inspection of what the grid can and can't handle, we all limit ourselves to using the lights as little as possible during the day and to one hour of light post-sundown. It shouldn't take more than a week or so. If this is going to create a problem for anyone, maybe see Caroline about a lantern or flashlight.

  • Ditto limiting shower time, until we have an idea of the water reserves and the hot water tanks' capabilities.

  • I'd suggest checking for one volunteer from Service and one from Defense to move onto food production for at least the time being. I wouldn't say that means indefinitely or permanently! We do, however, have a need for people who are willing to research canning, preserving, smoking, so if anybody's got experience there, I'm sure we'd all be excited if you'd lend a hand.

  • That's all I've got right now. Watch out for frostbite, and wash your hands as much as possible - this flu is shit.