January 27th, 2018



Who: Jesse Swanson and Benji Applebaum
What: Confrontations, a confession, and friends make up... and more???
Where: Caroline, Benji, and Jesse's townhouse
When: Saturday Morning, after this the night before.
Warnings: Jesse coming off of his high from the pain killers, Benji more than a little irritated and short, and high stress and emotions. In short, drama.
Status: Closed

... )



Holy fuck, it's Arkadia 2.0.



[Caroline, Natasha, Poe, Promptus, Sam, Sherlock]

So I know I'm the kid among the group—totally eyeballing you Natasha :p—but I can't be the only one a little worried by the rate our camp is growing...

Especially since the two that arrived today are teenagers... at least they look a bit like teenagers... either way, they are young... apparently survived in a place a lot worse than this, so that's good. But we're going to have to double our supply runs if the food and supplies aren't going to run out...

Also, I have a boyfriend. :D Wanted you guys to be the first to hear.

Update: I spoke too soon... there's three from that place now... Arkadia. I forgot Finn's from there. It's apparently popular place... Murphy did say that they were in space and then displaced back to earth to see if it was livable... because they were expendable criminals... well, he said Raven wasn't but... maybe that's why three came from there... I really hope their whole group doesn't all arrive today... I don't know their exact numbers... but our camp will definitely not survive...



Well, this is certainly an unpleasant sort of place, isn't it?

Thank you, Sam, for finding me and bringing me inside the walls. I'm certain I wouldn't have lasted too long out there against those...things.

My name is Charles Xavier. Hello to you all.

Hi, everyone -

I'm Natasha Romanoff, I work in the tech department, and I apologize for the impersonal introduction to all the newcomers, but I'm currently laid up in bed with the flu.

I'll be back on my feet in a day or so, and I know everyone is still settling in, but in the meantime, we have a situation that I think bears the input of the whole camp: I'm sure it escapes no one's notice that our numbers have tripled in the last few days, and that we weren't entirely prepared for the influx. Those of us who've been here for a few months have gotten to know each other pretty well, and have more or less hashed out a system that's been working for us, but with new people, personalities, and background experiences now in the mix, it's my opinion that the time's come for all of us to discuss something a little more official. For example: with larger departments now, we could use department heads, and an agreed-upon charter wouldn't hurt, either. I have some ideas for hashing that out.

I've also made a shortlist of ideas that might help over the next few days - obviously feel free to disagree or add more. I'm the one running a fever here.

  • Electricity. We've got three more houses on the grid now and triple the number of devices that need charging. I'd suggest that until the tech team can make a full inspection of what the grid can and can't handle, we all limit ourselves to using the lights as little as possible during the day and to one hour of light post-sundown. It shouldn't take more than a week or so. If this is going to create a problem for anyone, maybe see Caroline about a lantern or flashlight.

  • Ditto limiting shower time, until we have an idea of the water reserves and the hot water tanks' capabilities.

  • I'd suggest checking for one volunteer from Service and one from Defense to move onto food production for at least the time being. I wouldn't say that means indefinitely or permanently! We do, however, have a need for people who are willing to research canning, preserving, smoking, so if anybody's got experience there, I'm sure we'd all be excited if you'd lend a hand.

  • That's all I've got right now. Watch out for frostbite, and wash your hands as much as possible - this flu is shit.



    [Filtered to all but new Arrivals]

    Hey guys. Um, so two of the people who arrived today are from back home and both of them know me well. They're probably going to be saying some things about me that are kind of bad, so I'd like you to hear the truth from me.

    I know I haven't talked about my past all that much, but it's time, whether I want to or not.

    Back where I'm from it was its own special type of hell. We lived on a space station most of my life to escape the world below which had been destroyed by a nuclear war. But then that space station started failing. Then they took a hundred of us...kids under 18 who had been imprisoned for one reason or another, making us expendable...and they dropped us in a shuttle to the ground to see if we could survive the radiation. You know, like lab rats.

    We did, but we weren't ready for what was down there. There were other people, and wars started. For months I tried to find peace, I tried to find a way to broker a truce between us but I don't think either side really wanted it. And finally...well...stuff inside of me broke. All we'd been through, all we suffered, all I'd lost, it just kind of...did something to me. I lost myself. Something in my mind snapped. And I ended up massacring a village of unarmed civilians. I barely remember it, but I know I did it.

    So I'm a murderer. I'm worse than a murderer, actually. I'm a war criminal. Back home I'm executed for my crimes, and here, I've been trying to atone for them. I've gotten better in the last few months. Things in my mind are clearer. The world makes more sense. I'm ashamed of what I've done, but I almost feel like I don't deserve to be. I deserve death. I deserve what I got back home.

    So...if you guys feel the need to throw me out of the walls, feel free. But I needed you to hear the truth from me before you hear it from them.