Cado Superum

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6/30/09 02:55 am - [info]loves_a_bitch

Generally, Aphrodite ignored the online gossip pages. She showed up in the often enough - page six, sighted with Ares, pictures at premieres, local charitable functions - She was gorgeous, and rich, and traveled in the right circles. She didn't let it go to her head that the cameras loved her. Still, after the last talk with Ossa she'd had her secretary keep track of it, and had been getting all sorts of weird reports. Shed been downtown anyhow, and really, it was easier to go see Ossa personally then make an appointment.

She knew the way by heart of course, and saw an unfamiliar face at the desk in front of her friend's office. Temp or new hire, she didn't know, but the look of shock as Dite waltzed past towardthe door was rather priceless.

"Can I help you.. Ma'am, you can't go back there without..."

"Sure I can."

"But do you have -"

"An appointment? No. It's a surprise. She loves them!"

"You really can't just...Can I tell her who's here... oh my god."

She could heard the assistant fumbling with the intercom as she tried to warn Ossa just as Dite pushed open the office door, stepping inside with a smile.

5/11/09 02:37 am - [info]loves_a_bitch

Aphrodite didn't like to think of herself as the type who expected someone to come immediately when beckoned, but not answering calls, voicemail, or text messages was enough to get her feathers ruffled. However, Dite'd been smart when looking for a cell phone with all the right features, and had gone to Mr. Communication himself... and apparently it had GPS locating of your contacts. She was half convinced the thing was malfunctioning when it told her he was at the library... but it was worth a shot.

The New York City Library was rather large, and it took her quite some time tiptoeing through the racks before she found him, and she watched him for a moment before stepping forward, foot tapping lightly on the rug. "hiding, sweetpea?"

4/23/09 01:18 am - [info]blood_lust

There was fire. Ares could feel it licking at his sides as he tried to fight his way out of the darkness. He knew there was something in the darkness, something he needed to get to, something he needed to kill. The sword in his hand was heavy and getting heavier by the minute. He needed to find it, whatever it was.

"Show yourself! I know you are there!" A deep laugh sounded throughout the pitch black, but nothing appeared to him. In frustration, Ares began to simply hack at the darkness. He hit something solid, like stone and the shock reverberated up his arm.

"Ha! I hit you, you piece of shit!" The laugh became louder and filled with malice. Suddenly, the sword was whipped from his hands, leaving Ares completely defenseless and alone in the dark.

His scream of anger not only filled the dream, but also the bedroom he shared with Aphrodite. He would not, could not wake up and the darkness was closing in.

4/14/09 08:31 pm - [info]goodrumor

[In a text message sent to Aphrodite from Ossa's blackberry]

Hey Doll, how did you fare at the party?

4/11/09 02:21 am - [info]blood_lust

As soon as the screaming stopped, Ares was ready for a fucking fight. But the stupid bitch was already gone. Gods damn it. First that lippy fucking angel and now his head fucking hurt.

He was going home. And by home, he meant Dite's.

2/1/09 08:54 pm - [info]ira_deorum

The museum was just beginning to close when Theoi began to arrive, welcomed to the museum by a small sign near the front desk, welcoming guests of Jupiter Capital Investment to the private party being held in the new exhibit room. The exhibit room itself was set up already for the next night's gala opening, though only a portion of this set-up was currently in use, a bartender the lone attendant.

Around the room were different artifacts dug up from the Akbani site, showing different mainstays of civilization - pottery, tools, jewelry, etc. Different placards explained what anthropologists had gathered about the civilization - they seemed a violent people, weapons looking crude yet highly effective, art work showing many scenes of what looked like human sacrifice. Through it all, there were religious undertones to most of the items, as if these were the things were what the people held most dear, or at the very least most relevant.

In the center of the room stood a dais, and on it the unopened sarcophagus of the god that'd been causing all the hullabaloo. It stood about 8 feet tall, made of stone and etched with gold, the top carved with what was assumed to be a likeness of the god supposedly inside, a menacing angry looking being.

ETA: [OOC: So that everyone knows - If anyone is feeling for them, the room is heavily warded, for most types of spheres. There are wards around the room, that seem intended on keeping power in, as well as wards around the sarcophagus itself. Sorry for the late notice.]

1/31/09 02:50 pm - [info]loves_a_bitch

To: All Theoi
From: Aphrodite
Subject: Social Gathering

For any currently in New York and curious as our lovely phenomenon, You are cordially invited to a casual cocktail mixer at the Museum of Natural History in New York. Strictly casual. Mr. Emmanuel has arranged a private sneak peek and what's causing all this noise. See you there.

[OOC - This will be sent to every thoei email address Aphrodite has. If your character lives in the stone age and does not have email, it'd be sent via mail, or someone would call with the invite.]

1/9/09 02:56 am - [info]loves_a_bitch

Who: Aphrodite, Jupiter, Ares
When: Early evening
Where: Dite's condo
What: Chatting. Business.

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