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7/10/09 11:30 pm - [info]banishedruin

There was absolutely no reason for her to be in New York. Not really. the South American didn't seem to be bothering anyone or even here, there was nothing she was learning that wasn't off the internet, there was nothing wrong with any of her family save Limos and his swiss cheese brain. So maybe she was keeping him out of further trouble, but she had no idea who M was, and Kia seemed to be handling the legal stuff just fine. It wasn't like she was that up on recent legal issues - she hadn't worked as legal counselor in decades. It didn't help that she hated New York in the summers - the crowds, the heat, the tourists - things that never bothered her in Vegas annoyed the piss out of her in New York. It also didn't help that she actively wanted to be elsewhere... but she wasn't going. He wasn't winning that easily.

These were the thoughts teeming through her head as she wandered into a coffee shop that was just a bit too posh for her liking. It did, however, havethe benefit of being on the street she happened to be strolling down, however scornfully, and if she remembered correctly they actually knew how to make turkish coffee. She was pulling her phone out of her pocket to check a text message as she pulled open the door, and that was how she missed the fact that someone was walking out, a fact soon hilighted by the fact that she bumped into him. She was voicing automatic apologies when she looked up, insincerities fading away as her smirk grew.


And they said New York was a big city - seemed like a small town the way she ran into people all the time.

"Q. Long time no see."

7/10/09 02:19 am - [info]misery_inc

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6/30/09 02:48 am - [info]banishedruin

It was always a zoo in Kia's office, and hit or miss to begin with as to whether she'd be there or in court. Até didn't really care. Scuffed boots, ripped jeans, comfortable leather jacket even given the warm weather - She looked more like a client than a visitor, but she didn't really care about that either. She strolled through the office with a singleminded determination, pleased to see Kia there and on the phone. She stepped into the office without knocking, a light kick the tothe door all she needed to close it behind her as she slumped gracefully into one of the visitor's chairs, scowling absently at her shoe as she waited.
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6/5/09 08:13 pm - [info]banishedruin

She had been tempted to stay in Vegas, simply because she knew he was taunting her about going to New York. She wasn't dumb - she knew he was playing her as well as she knew what the strange weather patterns in Vegas probably meant. After the first two days however the weather was back to normal and she'd taken care of what pressing business there was, and had ended up back on a plane. From the plane, there was a cab, and that cab was dropping her off at her brother's home, completely unexpected - for him at least. She'd had a few hours of working this out in her head.

For a moment or two she just stood outside his door, glaring at it, trying not to think of all the reasons she was there, and then knocked.

She c ould only hope he was home... she had no idea what she'd do if he wasn't.
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5/14/09 06:48 pm - [info]banishedruin

She'd slept through the rest of the plane ride and the trip home, blissfully free of an achy head or any sort of dreams. Waking up was a slow, languorous process that she had no problem drawing out as long as possible. In fact, she was in a delightfully good mood... at least until she opened her eyes.

It took a few moments to register.... she was not in the hotel. This was not where she fell asleep. it was a place all too familiar to her, really... She was in her own home. In her own bed. 2400 miles away from NYC.

"What the fuck?"

Immediately, she sought out Momos, eyes flashing already.
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4/20/09 04:08 am - [info]banishedruin

It hadn't been too difficult to ascertain the general vicinity the new Theoi was playing in, at least once one had access to a police scanner. Reports of things flying about was her first clue, and once she got to the area, the localized freakish weather was enough to clue her in.

The tricky part, of course, was finding one particular person in a city the size of New York, no matter how small the neighborhood was. Luckily, fate was something she often held in the palm of her hand. Até walked around the streets, working her magic on the probability of chance encounters, setting up a string of coincidences that led to the eventual meeting she hopped for.

She was leaning against the side of a building when she felt him pass by, and it was easy to tell who he was.. the power in him was heady. She fell into step beside him, lasting only a few steps before he turned on her.

It wasn't so much a conversation as a mind assault. It was more subtle than the screaming at the museum, and far more individualized, and it took all her concentration to keep him out of her mind as he backed her against a wall. She could feel the questions pushing against her wards, and some answers slipped though... who were they, where were they from, why were they there.

More important, to her at least, was what he offered. Between his questions, she could ask her own, questions that mirrored his. Who, what, why. And those answers would be her bargaining chip.

He was done with her soon enough, a fact she found quite agreeable- he was crazy strong, and she wasn't sure how long she'd be able to hold her own against him. When he finally left she felt like her head had been shoved against a wall, or run through a grater. But she'd gotten enough of what she wanted... enough for a plan. Or at the very least, a bit of currency.

It was New York, and easy to catch a cab, now that the sudden storm had ended. with an exhausted sigh she slid into the seat, and nodded to the cabbie, giving the address for her hotel. It was time for home.

4/6/09 11:40 pm - [info]colormewrong

Her head was pounding. What the fuck was that? Kia hadn't had a hangover in centuries and she didn't remember actually drinking that much last night..."ATE!"

Shock made her sit straight up in bed, looking wildly for her sister. Which only led to her clutching her head in pain. "Fuck, that hurt." Cracking an eye open, she looked at the bed she was laying in and at the unfamiliar room. "Where the fuck am I?"

3/29/09 01:08 am - [info]banishedruin

She had almost considered crashing at Limos' place when they had run out of Bloody Marys. It would have been easy, and easily explainable, but not going back to the hotel seemed like a silent confession of guilt, one she wasn't ready to make yet, if ever. The air was still cool at night, and she'd refused the offer of a cab, choosing to walk back, using the time to clear her head of any effects the alcohol might have left. It might not be the smartest time to wander around Central Park, but there were times a girl could only hope she'd have trouble - alas, tonight was not that night.

At the questioning glance of the hotel night clerk she waved her keycard towards him and she'd made her way up to the penthouse, quiet as she stepped into the hall. There was a very good chance Momos was asleep, and as ready as she might be for whatever he might toss at her, he needed rest. the faint click of the lock releasing sounded loud to her, and she was careful as she closed the door, shrugging out of her jacket and tossing it on the nearby chair before stepping into the main part of the suite.

A quick glance let her see that he was not up and waiting, and there was a slight sense of disappointment, though mostly relief. Pissed as she was, he needed sleep. She was quiet as she moved about the suite, taking a quick shower and preparing for bed. Pausing in the doorway of the bedroom, she watch him as he slept, unable to stop the light smile that formed. After a moment she stepped forward, careful as she pulled the covers back, sliding in beside him, out of habit curling beside him, her arm draping over his back. Tomorrow would be soon enough to discuss things.
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3/26/09 02:15 am - [info]famine_fatal - I fleee...

Limos couldn't scramble out of the museum fast enough, glancing back to see Horkos and Eris coming out a bit more slowly. Damn, that was the most fucked up crap.

"This is why I do not do get togethers," Limos muttered, sighing as he looked back and restrained a laugh. Hori was trying to carry Kia out of the Museum, but the boy looked pretty ridiculous, stumbling along the steps as he seemed to bitch about the unpleasantness of the night.

"Hey, you want to help?" Horkos called out finally, giving Limos no time to really escape to the luxury of his condo and a glass of wine. "Well?"

"You could have just left her in there, Hori..." Limos suggested, though he moved to help Hori carry their sister. "It isn't like anyone would have noticed?"

"You know, I sometimes wonder why we all think you are such an awesome big brother...."

"What?!" Ug, next time, he was skipping the reunion.

2/1/09 08:54 pm - [info]ira_deorum

The museum was just beginning to close when Theoi began to arrive, welcomed to the museum by a small sign near the front desk, welcoming guests of Jupiter Capital Investment to the private party being held in the new exhibit room. The exhibit room itself was set up already for the next night's gala opening, though only a portion of this set-up was currently in use, a bartender the lone attendant.

Around the room were different artifacts dug up from the Akbani site, showing different mainstays of civilization - pottery, tools, jewelry, etc. Different placards explained what anthropologists had gathered about the civilization - they seemed a violent people, weapons looking crude yet highly effective, art work showing many scenes of what looked like human sacrifice. Through it all, there were religious undertones to most of the items, as if these were the things were what the people held most dear, or at the very least most relevant.

In the center of the room stood a dais, and on it the unopened sarcophagus of the god that'd been causing all the hullabaloo. It stood about 8 feet tall, made of stone and etched with gold, the top carved with what was assumed to be a likeness of the god supposedly inside, a menacing angry looking being.

ETA: [OOC: So that everyone knows - If anyone is feeling for them, the room is heavily warded, for most types of spheres. There are wards around the room, that seem intended on keeping power in, as well as wards around the sarcophagus itself. Sorry for the late notice.]

1/26/09 01:41 pm - [info]banishedruin

and now we join our scene in progress... )
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1/10/09 06:14 pm - [info]famine_fatal - Family reunion, take 1

WHO: Limos, Horkos and Ate
WHERE: Candle Cafe, NY
WHEN: Lunch! Well 10:40ish close enough


Limos was a well known face at the Candle Café, seeing as he was not only a big name in entertainment, but a big voice in the ‘go vegan’ campaigns. He was there before the store actually opened, “Limon Theoden” having called the moment Hori had made mention of things.

“Limon!” The manager smiled as the modeling agent walked into the store, pulling his sunglasses off as he grinned. “I can’t tell you how happy we are to play host to your family reunion. I had the cooks already start on the order you put in.”

“Charlie, Charlie, you are too good to me.”

“Hey, I like to keep my best business happy. You know half the girls that come in here always ask when you usually dine? They’re hoping to get a chance to catch your eye…”

Limos laughed, and pointed to the table, “You know Horatio, right? He’ll be here soon with our sister. “Oh, Charlie, can we get a couple of those martini’s? Horatio has to be in court later, but we can help loosen him up a little.”

Charlie needed, and Limos made his way to a table to settle into. Mm, he really liked this place. It was so cozy, and people were always wasting their lives away here.
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1/9/09 05:05 am - [info]banishedruin - Text Messages - locked.

To: Hori - Mobile. )

To: Kia - Mobile. )

1/8/09 01:08 am - [info]goodrumor

Ossa hung up the phone and leaned back, lost in thought. Momos had tipped her off that his Ate would be in her area, and she'd just sent a car over to pick her up at the airport.

She didn't really know Ate, mostly just of her. But what she knew was fascinating. Ruin, Love's Folly, and Infatuation, all things that would a make gossip goddess' job easier than ever. There was no amount of money Ossa wouldn't be willing to pay to seduce Ate over to the dark side.
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