Cado Superum

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7/19/09 12:48 am - [info]ira_deorum

The summers in Vancouver were mild, and perfect for filming, and it was one of the reasons so many places with random film crews. It made it a bit easier for someone to con their way into someplace they might not supposed to be. Not that beautiful women trying to get close to Alexander Mars was a new thing - he was hot, he was now, he was the current it many for action flicks.

It took a bit of work on her part, but when Mr. Mars finished filming his current scene, he'd find a leggy redhead in his trailer, short dress showing of just a few of her assets to the best of its ability. He might not even notice the slim tape recorder on the table beside her.

5/13/09 02:00 pm - [info]blood_lust

Ares looked like shit.

He had bags under his eyes and they were even slightly bloodshot. He looked like he hadn't slept in about a week, and the truth was, he really hadn't. Every time he closed his eyes, he was bombarded with dreams that he didn't remember much of except that he didn't like them. He wasn't even sleeping at Dite's any more, to afraid he'd hurt her during one of those dreams. He was tired, cranky and lacking female comfort.

Given that, it made little sense as to why he'd find himself outside Eris' apartments. She wasn't going to be able to help. It seemed he just needed someone to talk to.
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4/23/09 01:18 am - [info]blood_lust

There was fire. Ares could feel it licking at his sides as he tried to fight his way out of the darkness. He knew there was something in the darkness, something he needed to get to, something he needed to kill. The sword in his hand was heavy and getting heavier by the minute. He needed to find it, whatever it was.

"Show yourself! I know you are there!" A deep laugh sounded throughout the pitch black, but nothing appeared to him. In frustration, Ares began to simply hack at the darkness. He hit something solid, like stone and the shock reverberated up his arm.

"Ha! I hit you, you piece of shit!" The laugh became louder and filled with malice. Suddenly, the sword was whipped from his hands, leaving Ares completely defenseless and alone in the dark.

His scream of anger not only filled the dream, but also the bedroom he shared with Aphrodite. He would not, could not wake up and the darkness was closing in.

4/11/09 02:21 am - [info]blood_lust

As soon as the screaming stopped, Ares was ready for a fucking fight. But the stupid bitch was already gone. Gods damn it. First that lippy fucking angel and now his head fucking hurt.

He was going home. And by home, he meant Dite's.

3/26/09 01:09 am - [info]jackotrades - Backdated Log: Before the Meeting of Gods.

In Which Angels and Theoi Do Not Mix. )
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1/9/09 02:56 am - [info]loves_a_bitch

Who: Aphrodite, Jupiter, Ares
When: Early evening
Where: Dite's condo
What: Chatting. Business.

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