Cado Superum

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5/12/09 04:35 pm - [info]twoliars

It was a nice day, maybe not nice enough for ice cream yet. Not that it bothered them. The taller one ran his tongue around the edge of the cone to prevent the minty ice cream from dripping onto his fingers; his brother had a napkin around his.

At their feet sat two duffle bags in greyish blue. Although they looked the same, one was more grey than blue, and the other was more blue than grey. An outsider wouldn't notice, but they did.

" what you're saying is that because lies aren't true that they can't be real, and so we aren't real. We don't exist?"

"No. Lies must exist or we wouldn't, so they have to be real in some way even though people don't think they are. They think the truth is the only way something can be real."

The taller one nodded. "Oh. Wouldn't that suggest there was a little bit or truth in everything though? Even us?" He raised a brow at his brother.

"There's a little bit of truth in everything."

His brother grinned. "Is that true?" It was a conversation they'd either had many times before or one they'd only just embarked on today. It didn't matter either way, he'd won.

The smaller brother rolled his eyes and sighed. "You always win when we do that," he said, shaking his head. "You cheat. You can't give out burns when one of us is eating."

"I never cheat, Abe," the taller one smiled. "And don't worry, I'll get you later. Have you got Hori's keys?"

"No. I thought you had them."

"No. I thought you had them."

The pair looked at each other and smirked a little. They both knew which one of them had the keys, which one of them always had the keys, but admitting that would be too close to the truth. It was better to lie to one another.

When they finished their ice creams, the Pseudologoi got to their feet. They picked up their bags and headed towards the 97th street park entrance.

"You think he'll be surprised to see us?"

The taller one shrugged. "I guess that depends whether he's expecting us. You can't trip me up that easily, Abe."

The smaller one huffed. "I hope he's got ice cream."

"Yeah, me too."

4/6/09 11:40 pm - [info]colormewrong

Her head was pounding. What the fuck was that? Kia hadn't had a hangover in centuries and she didn't remember actually drinking that much last night..."ATE!"

Shock made her sit straight up in bed, looking wildly for her sister. Which only led to her clutching her head in pain. "Fuck, that hurt." Cracking an eye open, she looked at the bed she was laying in and at the unfamiliar room. "Where the fuck am I?"

3/26/09 02:15 am - [info]famine_fatal - I fleee...

Limos couldn't scramble out of the museum fast enough, glancing back to see Horkos and Eris coming out a bit more slowly. Damn, that was the most fucked up crap.

"This is why I do not do get togethers," Limos muttered, sighing as he looked back and restrained a laugh. Hori was trying to carry Kia out of the Museum, but the boy looked pretty ridiculous, stumbling along the steps as he seemed to bitch about the unpleasantness of the night.

"Hey, you want to help?" Horkos called out finally, giving Limos no time to really escape to the luxury of his condo and a glass of wine. "Well?"

"You could have just left her in there, Hori..." Limos suggested, though he moved to help Hori carry their sister. "It isn't like anyone would have noticed?"

"You know, I sometimes wonder why we all think you are such an awesome big brother...."

"What?!" Ug, next time, he was skipping the reunion.

2/1/09 08:54 pm - [info]ira_deorum

The museum was just beginning to close when Theoi began to arrive, welcomed to the museum by a small sign near the front desk, welcoming guests of Jupiter Capital Investment to the private party being held in the new exhibit room. The exhibit room itself was set up already for the next night's gala opening, though only a portion of this set-up was currently in use, a bartender the lone attendant.

Around the room were different artifacts dug up from the Akbani site, showing different mainstays of civilization - pottery, tools, jewelry, etc. Different placards explained what anthropologists had gathered about the civilization - they seemed a violent people, weapons looking crude yet highly effective, art work showing many scenes of what looked like human sacrifice. Through it all, there were religious undertones to most of the items, as if these were the things were what the people held most dear, or at the very least most relevant.

In the center of the room stood a dais, and on it the unopened sarcophagus of the god that'd been causing all the hullabaloo. It stood about 8 feet tall, made of stone and etched with gold, the top carved with what was assumed to be a likeness of the god supposedly inside, a menacing angry looking being.

ETA: [OOC: So that everyone knows - If anyone is feeling for them, the room is heavily warded, for most types of spheres. There are wards around the room, that seem intended on keeping power in, as well as wards around the sarcophagus itself. Sorry for the late notice.]

1/10/09 06:14 pm - [info]famine_fatal - Family reunion, take 1

WHO: Limos, Horkos and Ate
WHERE: Candle Cafe, NY
WHEN: Lunch! Well 10:40ish close enough


Limos was a well known face at the Candle Café, seeing as he was not only a big name in entertainment, but a big voice in the ‘go vegan’ campaigns. He was there before the store actually opened, “Limon Theoden” having called the moment Hori had made mention of things.

“Limon!” The manager smiled as the modeling agent walked into the store, pulling his sunglasses off as he grinned. “I can’t tell you how happy we are to play host to your family reunion. I had the cooks already start on the order you put in.”

“Charlie, Charlie, you are too good to me.”

“Hey, I like to keep my best business happy. You know half the girls that come in here always ask when you usually dine? They’re hoping to get a chance to catch your eye…”

Limos laughed, and pointed to the table, “You know Horatio, right? He’ll be here soon with our sister. “Oh, Charlie, can we get a couple of those martini’s? Horatio has to be in court later, but we can help loosen him up a little.”

Charlie needed, and Limos made his way to a table to settle into. Mm, he really liked this place. It was so cozy, and people were always wasting their lives away here.
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1/9/09 05:05 am - [info]banishedruin - Text Messages - locked.

To: Hori - Mobile. )

To: Kia - Mobile. )

1/6/09 09:56 pm - [info]oath_punishment - The World Is Crazy

The lawyer on the other end of the speaker phone was droning on and on about briefs, suing, misrepresentation, and a hundred other ridiculous claims to trying to to money out of Eris and her 'advice' column.

"Your claims have no legal bases," Hori said in a warning tone. He hated the sleazy tactics people used to get money out of Eris, or try. This time they were claim emotion distress because Eris caused her 21 year old son to throw away his college scholarships for a chance hit it one broadway- or at least that was what Horkos got out of the argument. "There is no obligation for the listeners to take any Kelley's advise."

"You only say that, Mr. Théoden, because that hell raiser is your cousin. I know how your lot works, you don't claim anything until you are cornered and even then..."

"No, Mr. Longstram, we admit fault when it is our fault. Your client was under no obligation to seek, or follow the advise of my client. The show tells everyone that she is not a life coach, therapist, or anything to make her legally liable to any of the advise she gives. People have the right to reevaluate the advice given."

"No, no no you don't," The man sighed over the phone.

"I'm not, and we'll discuss this more in court. We aren't settling, so stop fishing." Hori hung up before there could be any protest and sighed heavily. He was not looking forward to that, hell he didn't look forward to most cases that involved his mother. Grabbing the latte off his desk, he grabbed the new file and moved down the hall to Eris' office.

"You're fans are ever growing, you know." He said somewhat cheerfully as he breezed into the office, all but skipping to her side to give her a kiss on the cheek. "Did you get the latte? That new assistant is kind of a Paris Hilton clone...I wasn't sure she followed all the directions well."
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