Cado Superum

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4/22/09 03:19 pm - [info]desert_fire

Nephthys was a fan of indulgences, and sleep was one that she held most dear. They were at the top, finally, and she enjoyed all parts of being idle rich, particularly the idle part. And so the nightmares she'd been suffering every night since returning to New York were really starting to grate. it didn't help her mood to know that more than once she'd awoken in a panic, or with a scream - one night even saw tears. It wasn't the sort of vulnerability that She enjoyed showing.

That night wasn't any different.

It was always the same. A heat that rivaled the deserts, with encroaching molten rock. Closed spaces that seemed to compress in the ever-present darkness. These she could handle... but it was the voices that kill her rest. The words weren't ones she knew, even in her dream, but the emotion... it pulled to life everything dark in her. Rage, envy, a thirst for vengeance... something rightful had been taken, STOLEN away, and the need for it to to be returned was a driving force. Underneath it all ran hatred.

She awoke with a gasp, pulled out of the dream before it's terrible end by the sound of a phone ringing in the other room. On one hand, she was grateful for whatever had disturbed the sequence of images... on the other, she hated her sleep disrupted, and hell knew she had enough negativity running through her after all of that.

Grabbing a robe, she shoved her arms in it as she walked, cinching it tight as she came into the main room, offering Set a disgruntled glare. Let him talk to whoever it was... She made her way to the bar for what was becoming a habitual wake-up drink.

4/22/09 01:10 am - [info]egyptian_eyes

Heru was tense as he stood his ground. Whatever this was, who this was, would not gain ground on him. He snapped around at the sound of something falling, his senses sharp despite the blindness.

He was used to blindness by now.

He could feel the heat of the fire building around him, sulfur wafting up on a wind as he shifted his foot. He hand no weapons, but he was still an able bodied warrior. He would fight until he was unable to, and his opponent would find that out soon enough.

In the distance he could make out the sounds of a marching army, and voices filtered in…

Asking him questions. Demanding things of him.

“Be gone, for here I am King,” Heru stated stubbornly, his eyes narrowing. They didn’t listen, as they marched on. “BE GONE!” Growling, Heru shifted again. He had battled Seti for his kingdom, and he had lost it to another god. But his mind was his, and he would not give it up so easily.

Charging, he lashed out at the nearest voice, before….

He came awake in a start, sweat slipping over his chest as he set up slowly and looked around the room. Everything was in place, in order….as it should be. Only his dreams, again, were lost in some heated battle.

“Beast,” he muttered darkly, before pushing his covers off and standing. He imagined he could call Jupiter and speak to the god about what was going on, but it annoyed him slightly that the Greek would sometimes treat him as a lesser god.

It was a reaction he tired to drill out with practice and mediation. But there would be no easing his mind tonight, and there was but one person he couldn’t care if he inflicted a foul temper on.

His uncle.

Lifting his phone, he fished out the last check that Sutekh and dialed the number on it. Someone would tell him what was going on, even if Sutekh didn’t help with information, it would be a good way to release his annoyance and tension.

At least Set could feel somewhat useful. Heh.
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3/26/09 02:26 am - [info]egyptian_eyes

His head hurt, like a dull ache that tracked a long path around his head and rested with sharp pangs at the base of his skull. It jammed into his mind, and all he could do was walk out of the museum slowly, a part of the stone spear still in his hand.

This was not how he had imagined things turning out, and in a heavy manner he plopped down on the steps of the museum without a care for elegance or appearance. His head hurt, his body felt a bit drained...

And he'd shared a room with people he'd much rather have ignored. It was odd how that worked out. Being King was draining. Eventually, someday, he'd never have to play this ridiculous role again. Leaning back against the steps he ignored the painful way they jabbed into his back and closed his eyes. Despite the cold and darkness, he could imagine his wings spread wide as he drifted upon the warm winds of the Egypt desert, the sun beating down on his falcon form as he had no cares accept for how high he could go...

How far away from everything he could be.
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2/1/09 08:54 pm - [info]ira_deorum

The museum was just beginning to close when Theoi began to arrive, welcomed to the museum by a small sign near the front desk, welcoming guests of Jupiter Capital Investment to the private party being held in the new exhibit room. The exhibit room itself was set up already for the next night's gala opening, though only a portion of this set-up was currently in use, a bartender the lone attendant.

Around the room were different artifacts dug up from the Akbani site, showing different mainstays of civilization - pottery, tools, jewelry, etc. Different placards explained what anthropologists had gathered about the civilization - they seemed a violent people, weapons looking crude yet highly effective, art work showing many scenes of what looked like human sacrifice. Through it all, there were religious undertones to most of the items, as if these were the things were what the people held most dear, or at the very least most relevant.

In the center of the room stood a dais, and on it the unopened sarcophagus of the god that'd been causing all the hullabaloo. It stood about 8 feet tall, made of stone and etched with gold, the top carved with what was assumed to be a likeness of the god supposedly inside, a menacing angry looking being.

ETA: [OOC: So that everyone knows - If anyone is feeling for them, the room is heavily warded, for most types of spheres. There are wards around the room, that seem intended on keeping power in, as well as wards around the sarcophagus itself. Sorry for the late notice.]

1/10/09 05:08 pm - [info]egyptian_eyes

WHO: Horus and (whoever is there)
WHERE: New York, a random cafe
WHEN: Noonish


Horus was not a fan of the busy city life. He was more comfortable in the small town outskirts of Washington, D.C. where his dojo was, avoiding much of the annoyance that mankind could visit upon a person. Still, the pull was unmistakable, and while he lacked enthusiasm (which was never much of a surprise) he was in New York to just see what all this mess was about.

He wasn’t sure where Isis was, and for once her opinion on his actions was hardly at the forefront of his mind. Instead he said at a small café, reading the paper while his plate waited patiently for him to take a bite of food, his coffee steaming cheerfully just to the side, and his frown ever present as he waited for something more interesting to come his way.

Seti and his group was sure to appear, though, which more than made Horus disgusted at the idea of being in New York. Chaos…what a waste of air, of power. Order made things neat, stacked everything in the right place and made everything accessible when it was needed. Why should anyone want…chaos?

Shaking his head, Heru set his paper aside and sighed before turning to his coffee. He was methodical in how to ate, starting on the right, and moving to the left, eating one item on the plate before moving to another. Odd, but yet typical of the Egyptian god.
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