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3/30/09 11:48 pm - [info]jackotrades - Angels and Greeks, take 2

They were late, which was mostly his own fault, but Hermes didn’t let their tardiness keep him from a shower and shave. Besides, traveling to the One God’s realm had more than taken its toll on Hermes, and all for little knowledge. He’d been rather disgruntled upon his return, waving off Ares as he walked back to the hotel deep in his own thoughts.

Nalzorlo had been little to no help, and regardless of if it was the presence of Ares or not that distracted the Angel…Hermes was without so much as a hint of what to expect. He knew that whatever it was, it was South American. And obviously it had been put to rest for good reasons. Good and probably terrible reasons if he read between the lines.

A day after his meeting, he was still stuck on what it was that naggled at him.

Stepping out of the shower, he wrapped a towel around his waist before turning to inspect his shave job in the mirror.

“Well, well, aren’t you just a heavenly sight…”

Hermes let out a startled yelp, before slipping on a puddle and landing hard on the toilet seat. “For the love of Zeus,” Hermes exclaimed, looking up at the angel with a disgruntled expression. “Nalzorlo! What the fuck are you doing….in my bathroom?”

“Well you were not in D.C., so I tracked you here…” The angel gave him a completely innocent expression, before tilting his head to the side. “Your wife is so beautiful, you know? If I weren’t an angel…”


“What? Oh, right…I wanted to talk to you, obviously. God wishes me pass on a message….”

Hermes waited, staring at the angel for a long time before, leaning in and glaring a little harder. “Well?”

“You know, you Greeks are so…annoying.”


“Can I get a drink? I don’t get to have much wine in Heaven.” He didn’t wait for an answer before walking out of the bathroom and into the Hotel’s bedroom. Hermes followed with a displeased look, grabbing a sweater to pull on as Nalzorlo walked right by Peitho and into the main area of their hotel suite. “He wanted me to let you know, Hermes, that there was no stopping pre-destination. There is also the matter of god, that he was put to sleep for a reason…and for all our sakes, he should stay asleep. Oh…grapes. I love grapes.”

2/1/09 03:09 am - [info]desert_ice

Who: Jupiter, Isis, Hermes, Peitho
What: Lunch. Discussion. Business.
Where: Le Berardin

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1/9/09 08:00 pm - [info]underlord

Hades stood at the door and stared out at the partially lit driveway that led from the house to the road. He took his cigarette from his mouth and exhaled, mulling over the day's events. The suit he'd worn earlier was still on his back, top shirt button undone, tie hanging around his neck like a rope. Normally it wouldn't be, but something had interrupted his routine, and it was something big.

Nobody had called yet, but that wasn't surprising. Zeus was into that video conferencing now; you didn't get a phonecall unless you were making a business deal. Hades curled his lip at the idea and took another drag of his cigarette. Jackass.

Still, little brother was probably doing something about it, which certainly saved Hades a job. The longer Zeus busied himself rallying troops around the new pull, the shorter the time Hades would have to spend...with the rabble. Not that the other Theoi bothered him, but there was something enjoyable about being cut off from all of that noise. With them he was a fallen King of the Underworld, but, he was doing pretty well.

With a sigh, he stubbed out his cigarette and shoed some gravel over the extinguished butt before going inside. She hated it when he stuck them in one of the plant pots.

1/9/09 02:56 am - [info]loves_a_bitch

Who: Aphrodite, Jupiter, Ares
When: Early evening
Where: Dite's condo
What: Chatting. Business.

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