Mar. 20th, 2009


[summary] A cup of sugar before bed

Jack wants to know what the island does to Time Lords, and sneaks up on the Doctor in his sleep. When caught, he doesn't want to admit what he's doing, but the Doctor guesses anyway. Jack confesses, and one mystery is solved.

Aug. 21st, 2008


After the disaster that is the reunion, Fionchadd flees the scene to get cleaned up and rested. It doesn't really help, though he and Ianto at least make the first tentative steps in making up. Several hours later they take a few more, and much later, really do have to talk. It seems as if some kind of consensus may be reached.

Aug. 13th, 2008


[summary] Spells and such

After some careful planning and with Nita and Alec's help, Dairine and Spot manage to work one more wizardry. Endymion is a real boy!

Jun. 10th, 2008


Kitchen confidential

Even though Alec agreed to talk to Jack about Fionchadd, he didn't actually mean to do it the very same night. But he runs into Jack on a late-night trip to the kitchen and ends up saying more than he meant to. Alec goes to bed hungry, and Jack stays awake with a lot to think about.