Apr. 19th, 2008


A Faery boy and his friends.

"You can't be hungry again already!" Fionchadd says fondly, though he doesn't mean a word of it--Angharad is a growing lizard, after all, and the fact that she's hungry more or less all the time doesn't surprise him at all.

His island days have taken a turn for the contented, though he still misses Power and the feel of his own body. He has his bow again, game to hunt and a pet lizard to feed and watch grow. The last night's late-night talk with Ianto had pointed out some of the deficiencies in the current scenario, but he's confident it's nothing that can't be overcome.

Angharad interrupts this course of thought with a determinedly annoyed noise and an attempt to grab the small hare he'd been holding just out of her reach. "Watch it, greedy thing!" he laughs, but tosses it to her. "You'll outgrow your skin at this rate, and there won't be enough room for you inside, is that what you want?"

When he'd had such pets at home--his last had been a wyvern named Dylan--he'd had to release them to the wild once they reached full growth. He isn't certain what to do when this becomes and issue for Angharad, and even for now, Ianto might have stated he didn't want dinosaurs in the bed.

At least not when he's in it, which really, isn't a terribly difficult conession to make.

The little dinosaur makes short work of the hare and curls up to sleep it off in the sand. Fionchadd shoots her a fond look and rests his bow atop his knees.

[Angharad is the eoraptor Dairine and Ianto found before. Open to anyone who wants to talk/meet/see a dinosaur/play. Slow/late/whatever fine!]