Mar. 11th, 2012


Bedside Vigil (Open to all)

It's been three days.

Three days since Dean discovered his brother's body unconscious on the beach. Three days since he'd carried his brother's unconscious body to the clinic. Three days that he'd cursed the fact that there was no doctor who could help Sam. Jack had helped to get his brother stabilized with an IV and catheter, but that was all they could do. Nobody could get into his brother's head and find out what was going on.

He'd been here too much over the years. Sitting by Sam's bedside. Waiting for him to wake up. And he wasn't sure how much longer he could take it.

(Open to all! Dean is unusually vulnerable right now, which might result in conversation, or grumpiness.)

Oct. 6th, 2011


Blood Magic (Debut Night)

It's been a hell of a day.

After being shown around "The Hub", Dean had cleaned up in the empty clinic, washing Cas's blood and his own.

And that's when it hit, the thought that had crept into his mind earlier.


Balthazar had sent them to another dimension using a blood spell, and they'd gotten back the same way. When the angel had been stuck without his mojo, he'd used fake Cas's blood to communicate with Raphael.

Maybe he could do the same thing.

It took some time to get set up.

He chugged some juice he found in the fridge, borrowed a few supplies from the clinic, and found an empty room.


Dean casts his gaze heavenward once more. "Cas, where ever you are...I hope you can hear this." It's the closest thing to a real prayer he's said in a long time.

The sting of the blade against his skin is barely noticible, and as the blood started to flow he drew the sigil from memory, the red a stark contrast against the white walls.

[For Alec, Cal, and/or Finno]

Oct. 3rd, 2011



Madison had come into the kitchen on a mission: To bake some cookies. She'd been thinking about fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies for nearly a week, and she woke up full of energy today, so she decided to do something about it. She'd even found a somewhat faded but still quite serviceable apron, all blue gingham and ruffles. It made her grin to put it on, and she'd wondered if maybe there was a 50's housewife dress around somewhere to go with it, but that was as far as she'd gotten with that train of though. Properly attired for a pregnant cookie-baking mother-to-be she'd headed for the kitchen with a spring in her step. Surely she could find enough ingredients to throw some kind of cookie together.

But when she'd started poking through the cupboards and found a can of cherry pie filling, her plans had abruptly changed. Cherry pie. That sounded really good. And a pie crust was fairly simple to make, so she'd thrown one together, filled it with the filling (and stolen a spoonful of filling for herself, not willing to wait for the finished product), and now she was waiting for it to finish. She's already cleaned up her mess, and now she's looking through the fridge. There's no ice cream to be had, but maybe some whipped cream would make a good stand in...

Sep. 28th, 2011


Cut for Spoilers for episode 7x01 )

He closes his eyes and covers his ears and waits to die, but it doesn't come. The light fades, though it's still bright, and there's still white noise, but it's different too. Soft. Like one of those cds that sounds like the ocean.

Dean cracks open one eye and squints into the bright light which is, he realizes, not an angel's true form but sunlight. Ridiculously bright sunlight shining off of water, but still just sunlight. And the sound of waves? Actual waves. Because instead of the lab, he's on a beach.

"What the fucking fuck."