Aug. 18th, 2008


Misato's hit a gold mine. Between the mini-mart (now unfortunately vanished) and some careful scrounging, she's come up with more extra rounds for her sidearm than she's likely to need--which is good, because as important as it is to save bullets, it's also important to keep in practice, so that when you actually have to shoot something, you hit it the first time.

So she thinks it's safe to waste a couple of them, and has set up a target out of a bit of wood and scrap metal in a clearing off the beach. (It might be a bit more therapeutic to shoot up some of the nonfunctional technology, but you never know when one of the others will figure out how to make it work.)

Misato lifts the gun and takes level aim, lowers it again--then lifts it in one swift motion and empties a pepper of rounds into the centre of the target.

At a rustling sound behind her she spins, raising the gun again--reflex, that, but she probably doesn't actually want to shoot whoever it is coming up from behind.