Jun. 24th, 2008


Aye, there's the rub.

Jack has been on the island long enough to start wondering. He'd read what Dairine gave him about people's powers disappearing, but at first it hadn't occured to him that it might apply to him. He doesn't think of his own inability to die as a special power; if anything it's a curse.

But the fact that he's suddenly found himself needing to sleep on pretty much a daily basis has made him start wondering if this place might have lifted that curse. The thought is on his mind again tonight as he finds the kitchen empty, dinner already cooked, served and put away a few hours ago. He gets a glass of water, and then after a moment's pondering, a good-sized kitchen knife.

Setting the knife in front of him as he sits down at the table, Jack leans back and slowly sips his water, gaze fixed on the gleaming metal. Oh hell, why not? he decides, sitting upright. The water glass is placed on the table and the knife picked up all in one smooth motion that doesn't hesitate as Jack splays his left hand flat on the table, jaw clenched. He plunges the knife into his hand with a strangled cry of pain, hissing as he pulls it back out and looks at the bleeding wound.

"...Shit." It's not closing up, the bleeding's not stopping. The upside is it looks like whatever the Time Vortex did to him doesn't apply here. The downside is...whatever the Time Vortex did to him doesn't apply here, and he's starting to make a mess. "Uhh..." He gets up, grabbing a dishtowel and wrapping it tightly around his hand, holding it above his head to help slow the bleeding as he calls out hopefully. "Ianto? Someone? Little help?" This...is going to be difficult to explain.

[Why yes, he does have his stupid moments. Set to late evening, anyone's welcome. ;)]

Jun. 17th, 2008


izzie and the no good, terrible, very bad day

It had been one of those days when nothing had gone right. At all. Izzie was kinda reminded of that kid's book--Alexander and the No-Good, Terrible, Very Bad Day or whatever, because ever since she'd woken up one thing after another had gone wrong like some freakin' Greek tragedy (Were the Greeks really so tragic? That whole Hercules movie had been kinda funny and not sad.)

She'd woken up later than she planned, causing everything to fly around in a mad rush as she was getting ready to go out and organize the ever-messy clinic and see some patients. She should have been down there at first light, but it was edging toward mid-morning by the time she managed to get there, and not without a few mishaps along the way.

She couldn't find anything to eat in the kitchen (tragedy, considering that she'd been seeing increasingly more awesome things showing up lately) and Ianto hadn't been around to make coffee, which resulted in Izzie making it--shiny death. Izzie managed to burn her wrist and become her first patient for the day.

She bandaged her own wrist carefully, sure to apply a tiny bit of aloe to it to help keep the burn from going spaztastic and sighed, figuring this was one of those days she just needed to start over.

Deciding to give up, she plopped just outside the clinic, hair limp from humidity and face exasperated from stress. Dammit. Dammit, Dammit, Dammit.

It was a baking day.

[Open, but I would love for Ukyo to meet Izzie so that some cooking time awesome could happen. Misato too, for other kinds of awesome. Of course, all the regulars.]

Jun. 4th, 2008


Best. Friend. Ever.

Bright was actually pretty familiar with how Ephram's brain worked, and that when he said he didn't want a bachelor party, what he actually meant was that he didn't want Bright's kind of party.

And Bright knew that already. Because every time he'd ever known Ephram to go to a party, he hovered in the back and left early, or else just spent the whole time drunkenly playing Ms. Pac-Man and totally failing to realize that there were hot girls there totally trying to score with him. Ephram was kind of a loser when it came to noticing the scoring potential directly under his nose.

Not that he was going to need to score with girls at his bachelor party the night before he tied the knot with a guy, but it was the principle of the thing. And the fact that Bright actually did know how to make his best friend have a good time, and unlike every other red-blooded American guy in existence, it wasn't with booze and loud music and chicks.

He drafted Alec into helping him clear out one of the spare rooms, found a deck of cards and a couple of board games, and bribed Dairine for the use of her iPod and a couple of speakers. The fridge was full of leftover Japanese food--God, he was glad Ukyo was back--and he figured once he invited Johnny he could get him to bring some hard cider (which was, all things considered, better than beer. At least better than cheap-ass Coors he was used to drinking back in Everwood).

He stood back to admire his handiwork and flipped the iPod onto 'shuffle'. The speakers crackled and some old Journey song started playing.

Let Ephram never say he didn't get a good party.

[In theory guys only, but Bright has never been too fussed about party crashers. *g* May be top-levels at varying points to determine when stuff goes on, and there's to be a debut here later, but other than that, total freestyle.]

May. 8th, 2008



Izzie had built a cabana. It wasn't exactly straight (in fact, she probably could have used more than one level, actually) but it totally served the purpose of keeping her out of the sun. She even built a cupholder perfect for her carved wooden cup and had where she could lift the roof up and down. It was awesome.

She settled in it with the roof down, blue bikini top slipped off so she could tan her back and an old issue of People nearby in case she got bored. For now, she just watched the waves.