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Jun. 11th, 2009



Who: Dalis Jordan (and NPC customer)
When: right when the soulmates started fading back in
Where: his shop in Arizona
What: Dalis apparently has something in common with his daughters: they forget soulmates easily.

Dalis Jordan had spent the last few years trying to deny his shapeshifter heritage as much as possible. )

Jun. 9th, 2009


Thread: Rashel and Quinn

WHO: Rashel Jordan and John Quinn
WHAT: Rashel has less than honorable reasons for wanting to go to Vegas
WHEN: Whenever people from Black Dawn go to Vegas to help with stuff
WHERE: Thierry's Mansion, Las Vegas

Okay, so she wasn't -exactly- here to be of help. )

Jun. 8th, 2009


WHO: Raksha Keller and Nissa Johnson
WHAT: Reunited and it feels so good
WHEN: The day after the Vincent killing and during intel swap of Thierry and Lucas
WHERE: Thierry's Mansion, Las Vegas

So the prince had finally earned Keller's respect. Great. Still, she wanted her old team back. )


WHO: Thierry Descouedres and Lucas Drache
WHAT: Explanation time!
WHEN: Day after this, let's go... afternoon? Early evening? Tons of time to rest up Lucas
WHERE: Black Dawn

Thierry had been quietly going over the intel when the knock came. )

Jun. 7th, 2009



Who: Rhys (and Old Bob NPCed on the phone...he needs real friends)
When: afternoon, sometime after Harman store attack
Where: Rhys' house, living room
What: returns from business trip and is ready to work...too bad the soulmate issue is working itself out by itself
Rating: PG
Status: complete

'Did you know that 75% of medicinal plants can be found in the Appalachians?' )

Jun. 6th, 2009


Narrative: Iliana Harman

WHO: Iliana Harman... and her brace. Guess which one I am:D
WHAT: Things are looking up:D
WHEN: After this
WHERE: Sienna’s mansion
STATUS: Complete

Iliana was just waiting to be killed. )

Jun. 5th, 2009



Who: Quinn and Daphne
Where: Las Vegas, Thierry's, Kitchen
When: late night/early morning pretty soon after getting Vincent
What: Quinn is too tired to hunt, so he helps himself to some of the packaged blood in the kitchen. Meeting with Daphne ensues.
Rating: PG
Status: incomplete

Quinn was exhausted. )

Jun. 4th, 2009


WHO: Thierry Descouedres, Delos Redfern, and one unconscious Lucas Drache
WHEN: After this, and possibly during this. Man we need to get this timeline straight.
WHERE: Black Dawn
STATUS: Complete

“Two dragons. One got away. One stayed.” )

May. 31st, 2009


WHO: Iliana Harman and her brace (OMG GUESS WHICH ONE I AM)
WHAT: Something curious is going on
WHEN: After the eating of Vincent (which is right after or during the Gus and Lucas debacle—GOD WHAT DAY IS IT?) —but before rescue BECAUSE THERE WILL BE A RESCUE
WHERE: Sienna’s mansion/compound/fortress of redheaded doom
STATUS: Complete (btw, longest narrative ever)

The magic surrounding the brace was a curious thing, even as far as magic went. )

May. 29th, 2009


if you choose to accept it

WHO: Kitsune Renard
WHEN: Sometime during the whole soulmate break
WHERE: Las Vegas Enclave
SUMMARY: Kit is looking over her new assignment.
STATUS: complete

maybe the awkward cute? )

May. 25th, 2009


narrative? or thread! holy crap, open

Who: Thespidaes and ?
When: night
Where: LV desert
What: hunting
Rating: PG-13
Status: incomplete

Theo did not like to leave Sienna's side. )

May. 11th, 2009


Bitter Endings (Thane)

WHO: Vera Wutherby and Thane
WHEN: When Thane returns home
WHERE: Thane's place in Vegas
SUMMARY: Thane returns and Vera is unhappy.
STATUS: incomplete

He'd been gone far too long. )

May. 8th, 2009


beautiful day.

WHO: Verbena Moonstone [OPEN]
WHEN: After Maggie leaves..
WHERE: Black Dawn.
SUMMARY: Nice day for a ride.
STATUS: incomplete

it was like...what was that ridiculous holiday...oh right, christmas. )

May. 7th, 2009



Who: Lupe and Lys
When: early morning after Daphne and Lupe go out. Before all the crazy stuff goes down.
Where: kitchen of Thierry's
What: shh. she's hungover.
Rating: PG
Status: incomplete

Lupe hadn't had a fun night like that in a while. )

May. 6th, 2009



To: Poppy North
From: Lupe Acevedo
Subj: You Okay?

You have one new message )

May. 5th, 2009


No Games

WHO: Vincent Danvers & Those Wanting Him Dead
WHEN: Night after Harman store vandalism
WHERE: The desert
SUMMARY: Vincent is hiding from the bounty that had been placed on his head, and is currently trying to keep his ass alive. Little does he know is that tonight is the night he dies.
STATUS: In Progress

The same story could be said with the rest of the witches that belonged to Circle Midnight. If they didn't like him, they had already repaid their debt to Vincent and wanted nothing more to do with him. )

May. 4th, 2009


whoooooo thread

Who: Samuel Lanner (and open to reactions)
When: night!
Where: front of the Harman store
What: bad times
Rating: PG-13
Status: complete

There was no one in the alley watching him. )

OOC: feel free to post reactions here or on your own! Fire and mayhem and destruction. Whoo-hoo for the fall of an icon. Des, if something didn't work with what you wanted, let me know!


I Let You In And You Infected Me

WHO: Thane, Vicky Walls
WHEN: Couple nights after meeting with Thierry and switching sides.
WHERE: Las Vegas cemetary
SUMMARY: Even though Thane knows Vicky can handle herself, he can't help but even the odds seeing as she's by her lonesome
STATUS: In Progress

Humans were still vermin to him. )


E-MAIL [ Sienna Dogwoode ]

TO: Sienna Dogwoode
FROM: Vincent Danvers
SUBJECT: From Hiding

you have 1 unread message )

Apr. 23rd, 2009


thread: rhys and gillian, rhys and lys

Who: Rhys, Gillian Lennox and Lys Trahern
When: evening after his journal entry
Where: study in Thierry's mansion
What: 2 meetings. Both Rhys and I are trying to kill two birds with one stone. Separate threads in here? Is that okay?
Status: in progress
Rating: G

Rhys never considered moving to Thierry's mansion. )

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