January 2011




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Mar. 15th, 2008


Lucy, I really want to thank you for that snowmobile you got me for Christmas. Uhh.. I mean.. Xmas. Sorry.

It's really great. I'm giving out free rides to anyone that wants to come along.. hopefully a while before the snow melts. Any takers?


I think I'm going to be a bit sad when all the snow melts away.

Mar. 9th, 2008



Mar. 3rd, 2008


I want to pose nude!

Mar. 2nd, 2008


My birthday's coming up soon. And none of my friends and family from home are here to celebrate it with me. This sucks. I wish Leo was still here. He'd be able to get me a pretty cool present.

Feb. 28th, 2008


Ronald, it's been so long since we talked last time. Ohhh... we really must have another talk. However, I'd love to meet those twins! Alone, perhaps. Imagine that meeting. Two fears for the price of one? So wonderful.

I also recall that two people were in such fear of their lives. I can sense it, call it a gift. This was by the woods. Unfortunately, they were gone when I arrived. A shame. ;)

Feb. 23rd, 2008


Did you really think you could beat us?...poor naive power rangers. Did you forget, we're stronger, faster, and better than you and you'll never escape my nightmare.

Feb. 7th, 2008


I don't understand this place. But..Its only been a couple of days, and not all bad. So far. My names Harry...

Jan. 31st, 2008


What the fuck.

Why am I so bored?

Jan. 24th, 2008


I'm cold.

I think I'm getting sick. I don't like being cold. It's too much like being dead again

Jan. 23rd, 2008


Hey, just curious. Anyone interested in some sword practice?

And Mark.. did you accidentally turn your phone off?

Jan. 18th, 2008


My name is Andros..I am new here, and I'll be assisting Tori for all your Martial Arts needs.

Has anyone seen my sister Karone?