Jun. 2nd, 2010


WHO: Finn & Katie Bell
WHERE: Oliver's funeral
WHEN: After this

Out of anyone here, she wanted a hug from him the most. But for some reason, the thought of making contact with him was inappropriate. )

Apr. 2nd, 2008


Who: Damien and Jem.
What: Having not-so-normal fun!
When: Night.
Where: Behind the apartment building.
Rating: R.
Status: Incomplete.

What makes you think the Antichrist is gonna be a good little boy and stay put? )

Mar. 23rd, 2008


Who: A Very Torchwood Easter. So whoever is invited
Where: The new Headquarters
What: a very strange easter dinner.
When: Evening.
Rated: TBA
Status: Unfinished.

Ianto wasn't sure why he let Jack talk him into cooking. He could cook, rather well, but it had been a long time since he had cooked for a large group of people. He sighed softly when he was finally finished. He wiped his hands on a dishrag and rested his hands on the counter for a minute.

"Anything I can do to help?"

He turned and smiled at Gwen. "You can go sit down." He said.

She shook her head. "I feel like I've been sitting for a month."

"Well, It's finished anyway." He took her arm and helped her out of the kitchen. "Speed coming?"

She nodded. "He's bringing Rufus and Penny."

"Which Penny?"

She laughed softly. "The small one."

ooc )

Mar. 1st, 2008


Who: Romana, OTA (multiple threads welcome)
What: Wandering and contemplating
When: Early afternoon
Where: Aiode Falls
Rating: TBA

Something very strange was happening to Romanadvoratrelundar. She found herself feeling jealous.

Jealous of the Doctor's ever-growing family. Jealous of the various romantic relationships that various Time Lords were forming, when things like that weren't supposed to happen and she remained resolutely single.

Oh, she wasn't unhappy. Considering this life was tied to one time and one planet, it was a very good life. And she wasn't lonely, either. Not entirely. She supposed that there were different kinds of loneliness, and wondered why this kind had never touched her before.

In order to distract herself from such miserable - or, rather, confusing - thoughts, she abandoned her office and went for a walk around the town.

Feb. 29th, 2008


Who: Damien and Mark
Where: Random street
When: Evening after this
Rating: Probably R for swearing and such
Status: Incomplete

Damien was walking along the sidewalk. He was bored, but he wasn't in the mood to do any of the stuff he normally would do during the evening. So he just opted to walk around for now, playing with his lighter as he did so. He wished he had something to burn, but the only other objects besides the lighter he had with him were his switchblade and the necklace he stole from the girl he had murdered before in the woods. Of course, he wasn't going to set his switchblade on fire. He had thought about the necklace, but decided not to.

He continued walking for awhile, until he got a bit tired from doing so. He stopped and leaned against some random building, stilling playing with his lighter and staring at the flame.


Who: Hermione and Match
Where: A little cafe, not far from the campus
What: Coffee
Rating: No higher than PG (if that)

Hermione debated, for the briefest of moments, canceling her meeting with Match. Despite her best efforts to pretend otherwise, Barbas had unnerved her. He was a demon, which was eerie enough in itself. If you added into the equation the fact that he was a demon of fear...

She shook her head, refusing to let the thoughts take hold. Demon or not, she refused to become a recluse, and she refused to acknowledge her fear.

She was going to have coffee with a friend. Barbas could do whatever he wanted. He wasn't going to bring her life to a halt.

Feeling fiercely determined, she made her way down to the coffee shop where she was to meet with Match.

Feb. 17th, 2008


Who: Damien; OTA (multiple is fine).
What: Killing. Then who knows.
Where: In a forest out of town, then somewhere outside the forest.
When: Evening.
Rating: R (for violence).
Status: Incomplete.

And you don't feel the steel 'til it's hanging out your back. )

Feb. 16th, 2008


Who: Ianto and any of the Torchwood team.
Where: Torchwood's new headquarters.
When: Night.
What: Ianto is babysitting while he sets up the new place.
Rated: TBA
Status: TBA.

Ianto wasn't sure how he got himself into this particular situation. One minute he and Gwen were talking about something and then she was getting sick and then Tim was taking her to the clinic and he was babysitting Penelope.

"You be good for your Uncle Ianto," he said as he lifted the wide eyed baby up from her bassinet "And I'll buy you...I dunno. A pony?" It hurt to look at her, she looked so much like Gwen and her father and the thick bandages that encased her stomach and arms made him sick.

"I'm so sorry, little one." He pressed a kiss to her temple. "Let's see about getting you a cookie. Yeah?" He smiled when she cooed. "I can do this."

Once Ianto had set Penelope down in the playpen Gwen had set up earlier, He set to work. It was good to be doing something. It kept his mind off Suzie and Carolina, Jack and whatever they were or weren't to each other.

Feb. 14th, 2008


Who House, Wilson and Romana (say what?)
What Part two of House's Valentine-The Trip
Where Greg's, the TARDIS, the a campus that ISN'T Aiode.
When One hour after the marriage, than some many years ago.
Rating/status tba/in progress

Rolling over in bed, Greg's knuckles cracked as he stretched his hand, feeling the wedding ring on it and smiling slightly. He was married. He would be content about that for a bit, he was pretty sure. Hey, he married a doctor, he was doing better than most the women in his family. He was so bringing that up at the next reunion. Sitting up a bit, he nudged Wilson-his husband-before getting up.

"Up and at 'em, Jimmy, we've got places to be!" He chirped in a annoyingly cheerful voice as he headed to the bathroom for a quick shower before Romana got there.


Who: Romana and Kalli
What: Valentine's day fun
Where: The park
When: Late Thursday evening
Warnings: :O who knows! Maybe...girl kissing? Kalli can hope.

Lovin' you )
Tags: ,


Who: Tosh, tagging Owen
What: Breakfast in bed?
When: Early morning
Where: Owen's place.
Rating: TBA

Tosh had pondered long and hard about what to do for Owen for Valentine's day. He wasn't the flowers-and-chocolates sort of person, and with all the strangeness lately it seemed that finding time for anything, flowers-and-chocolates or otherwise, would be almost impossible.

In the end, she settled for breakfast in bed. He had to eat, after all, regardless of what day it was.

So, with terrible care, she prepared a tray laden with every conceivable breakfast item (just in case), and tiptoed into the room.

Feb. 5th, 2008


Who: Suzie and Adam.
Where: Adam's House.
What: Getting patched.
When: Night.
Rated: TBA
Status: Unfinished.

Suzie hated asking for help from anyone. She hadn't spoken to Adam since the night they slept together and might not have iniated it if it hadn't been for the gunshot wound in her side. She gathered her strength and began to get ready to leave. She pulled a jacket over the dress she had haphazardly put on.

Then she checked the locks on the room where she was keep Carolina. Finally, she made her way slowly but carefully to Adam's house.

"Adam," she called softly after knocking on his door.

Jan. 25th, 2008


Who: Tosh and Lily
What: Coffee
When: Early afternoon
Where: A little cafe, just outside the campus

Tosh couldn't quite believe she was doing this. Rather than tracking down Owen, who was probably half-conscious in a bar somewhere, she was going to meet his future daughter - or something like that, anyway - for coffee.

She must have gone mad. But it seemed like that right thing to do. Lily seemed nice, and was understandably a little scared and confused by everything. Owen was a big boy, and could probably take care of himself for a few hours longer. Tosh didn't want to leave Lily until she was sure that Owen's daughter took after her father in that respect.

She bought herself coffee and retreated to a corner table, wondering how long it would be before Lily arrived. It had been her idea, so surely she would...


Who: Match and Open
Where: Just off-campus
When: Morning, before sunrise
What: A Return
Rating: Eh, PG-13 for the nakeds

On a Dark and Cold morning... )

Jan. 24th, 2008


Who: Gwen and (Open to Owen Or Jack.)
Where: The Gun Range.
When: Afternoon.
What: TBA
Rated: TBA.
Status: Unfinished.

Gwen had never shot a gun before Torchwood. Sure she had been a cop but it was hardly the sort of cop that need a gun. Before Torchwood, she had hated guns. Never in her life did she think she would find comfort in shooting one. Then Torchwood came along and slowly Gwen Cooper became a new person. The sort of person who found solace with a gun.

She cocked her gun and took aim at the target. Maybe it was crazy but Gwen thought maybe just maybe she knew who took Penelope. Suzie. Gwen didn't think she hated her but Suzie did seem to enjoy torturing her.

Well, if Suzie planned on torturing Gwen, it was time Gwen fought back. She fired. She'd kill her if she had too. If No one was going to stop her, Gwen would.

Jan. 18th, 2008


WHO: Vance Astrovik and OPEN
WHAT: Wandering the stores.
WHEN: Evening
WHERE: Stores in Aiode Falls
STATUS: Incomplete.

Vance had grown bored with his room, and was tired of studying for once, so he set out to wander the stores in Aiode Falls. He had a few things to get, but mostly he was just interested in window shopping, and being out in the fresh air. Even when you kept a room clean, being shut in it most of the time made the brain get a little cabin fever.

So, he had bundled up a bag for emergencies, and grabbed his collapsible cart, and wandered off to the stores. Right now, he was absorbed in trying to decide if he needed a new book by his favorite author. He had already hit the computer store, and gotten a couple of articles of new clothing. It was a nice evening, and had been a wonderful day, and he was having fun.

Jan. 17th, 2008


Who: Kalli and Romana
What: Lunch
Where: Eventually a cafe
When: Thursday afternoon
Warnings: TBA

After their last encounter, Kalli felt pretty good about hanging around Romana. Honestly, when she'd first arrived in the last universe she was in, her relationship with the Romana there had been terrible strained. Here, however, she felt welcome and it was...a nice feeling, to be quite honest. Humming to herself a little, she headed toward Romana's office, Dante trotting at her heels without a leash. The dog wuffled a little bit curiously and sniffed about as the pair walked down the hall, which Kalli found utterly amusing.

Smiling to herself, she stopped in front of Romana's office and knocked.
Tags: ,

Jan. 9th, 2008


WHO: Sylar and Veronica Mars, possibly Elle and Jem later.
WHERE: Streets
RATING: Gonna start with R.
STATUS: In Progress

Veronica was damn tired of filing papers and grading assignments and doing whatever other task popped into Bateman's stupid fucking head, and she was taking a break. It was like she was working 24/7 now, and the pay wasn't even great. She hardly got to see Bond anymore, and that made her even more cranky than usual. She was headed into town for some coffee. Some real coffee. She missed Morgan and Corinthos coffee, she liked working there and Jason was pretty cool.

She stepped onto the sidewalk, trying to decide what she wanted as she locked the car with the little button. She seriously needed a vacation.