January 2011




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Mar. 16th, 2008


...Has anyone heard of the superflu? Captain Trips, maybe? Does anyone know Nick Andros?


I have a feeling I'm going to like it here.

It's a chance to start over.


First day of school all over again. At least it's college now, though. Frat parties, sororities, all that good stuff. Only not. Yay?

Mar. 15th, 2008


I have a daughter.


Lucy, I really want to thank you for that snowmobile you got me for Christmas. Uhh.. I mean.. Xmas. Sorry.

It's really great. I'm giving out free rides to anyone that wants to come along.. hopefully a while before the snow melts. Any takers?


I finally took the chance and took off that damn collar. And luckily, it didn't explode.


Damn. The Vista Cruiser isn't working today and I don't really know how to fix it. I wish Donna was here.


I really need to find something else to do to occupy my time, besides burning stuff and drinking Nyquil.


I think I'm going to be a bit sad when all the snow melts away.


If this semester doesn't kill me, working in the office surely will.


I'm feeling much better these days.


I was definitely not this obnoxious when I was in high school, and believe me, that is saying something.

What the hell is wrong with kids today?


So...is Swink really here?


This world and time is so strange to me, but I'd like to think that I am learning quickly.


Sorry that I haven't been around much guys, I've been focusing on my studies.

I've decided I need a break, does anyone want to do anything?


I fear I am more lost than ever now...


Aw shit...


Anyone out there? This is kind of an emergency...



I wonder if my parents ever had to deal with this shit.


I'm thinking we need to shake things up a bit here.

Anyone have any ideas about that?


My parents are SO bad for my image.

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