Age of Miracles

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Age of Miracles


September 28th, 2008

thread: kitty and kasey

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who: kasey gibson and kitty pryde
when: sunday evening
where: coffee shop, salem center
what: kasey and kitty spend sunday together because kasey is leaving :(

Kasey was going to leave on Tuesday, and it sucked. )

September 8th, 2008

Thread: Aubrey & Kasey

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Who: Aubrey Ryan & Kasey Gibson
When: Evening, Monday, September 8
Where: Kasey's room
What: Aubrey's finally going to come in and ask the tough questions.

What happens to you and me when they deport you, huh? )

August 16th, 2008

thread: shadowcat and drake

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who: kitty and kasey
where: kitty's room
when: aug 16th evening
what: kitty's got a present and kasey's got bad news

Kasey didn't want to think about what Aubrey had said. )

August 10th, 2008

Thread: KC and Aubrey

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Who: Aubrey Ryan and Kasey Gibson
When: Morning, Sunday, August 10
Where: Kasey's room
What: Aubrey's done the registration thing and he's not really sure how he feels about that.

There was no escaping it now, was there? )

June 10th, 2008

Thread: Beast & Drake

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Who: Kasey Gibson & Hank McCoy
When: Afternoon, Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Where: Down in the depths of the laboratories
What: Aubrey suggested to Kasey that she talk to Hank McCoy about her "transformation anxiety"----she's turned blue and dragony in a very short period of time. Hank McCoy also went through a drastic transformation eleven years ago, so if anyone knows how to handle it, it's Hank.

we got da blues )

June 6th, 2008

thread: Drake, Shadowcat, and Rogue

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Who: Kasey, Kitty, and Rogue
Where: bakery in Poughkeepsie
When: June 6th, afternoon
What: Kitty drove Kasey to Vassar to handle some school red-tape and then they decide to stop at a bakery for a little nom nom nom. They're in for a surprise!

Kasey really would like to graduate at some point. )

May 28th, 2008

log: Drake and Remedy

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who: Kasey and Ran
where: Medlab
when: late last night (27th/28th) after Ren and Ran thread
what: They're BFFLs, apparently. Who knew? So they banter.

when one's former crush nearly burnt down the school doing God knew what with her deaf boyfriend, it was time to let go )

May 18th, 2008

Thread: Optic & Drake

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Who: Aubrey Ryan & Kasey Gibson
When: Late evening, between Saturday, May 17, and Sunday, May 18
Where: The medlab
What: Aubrey and Kasey haven't seen too much of each other so he decides to scare the shit out of her in the lab. Oops.

he was far from suggesting they have another go at the whole ... 'let's put my dick near your fire-breathing apparatus' thing again. )

April 20th, 2008

Thread: Optic, Drake & anyone at the school

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Who: Aubrey Ryan, Kasey Gibson, and anyone else at the school -- you don't HAVE to tag this, but this is a school-wide event that everyone who's at the school tonight will experience whether or not you tag it----so it's journal entry fodder, too
When: 3 AM, Sunday morning, April 20, 2008
Where: Backyard of Xavier's School
What: FIRE ALARM. And no, kittens, it's not a drill!

it's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes )

April 8th, 2008

early-dated thread: Kasey, Aubrey...and Mark

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Who: Kasey Gibson, Aubrey Ryan, and Mark Gibson
Where: one of those awesome Xavier's courtyards
When: tomorrow, April 9th, 2008. Um, afternoon.
What: Kasey's brother has finally come because her family hasn't seen her in what feels like years and America is effed up so she might be le ded. Also, he needs to approve the boyfriend, d'uh.

Mark wasn't entirely sure what time it was, but he could tell from Kasey's expression he should probably get out of bed. )

February 3rd, 2008

Thread: Optic & Drake

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Who: Aubrey Ryan and Kasey Gibson
When: Afternoon, Sunday, February 3
Where: Kasey's room, Xavier's School
What: Aubrey and Kasey had their big fight and now it's time for Aubrey to suck it up and apologize.
Note: This could potentially be a narrative or very short thread if Lisa doesn't have time to answer. Which is fine. :D

I'm sorry. )

February 1st, 2008

thread: Shadowcat and Drake

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Who: Kasey Gibson and Kitty Pryde
Where: Kitty's room
When: morning, Feb. 1st
What: Kasey's pissed/frustrated/upset about her fight with Aubrey, so she goes to see Kitty.

Kasey had had trouble sleeping. )

January 30th, 2008

Thread: Optic and Drake

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Who: Aubrey Ryan and Kasey Gibson
When: Late evening, between January 29 and 30
Where: Outskirts of Salem Center... basic middle-of-nowhere kind of place.. in on Aubrey's car---and from there, who knows, if it goes anywhere
What: The ending of a date that was long overdue. However, Aubrey and Kasey end up arguing. In quite a nasty way. Oops.

Aubrey had been a bit distracted the whole night.

They both were, really. Who wouldn't be? Magneto ruled the country, sure, but there were other matters. Magneto had been at the school for a week, the school had just been attacked by a bunch of people who were supposed to be dead, Bobby Drake was missing. Oh, and Fauntleroy, one of Aubrey's six white mice, was dead, which just put a cap on that whole depressing chain of events. So, really, they were supposed to go out about two weeks ago. More than two weeks ago... but things just kept getting pushed back and pushed back again.

Finally, they had to give up and just go. They both needed a break and Aubrey would overwork himself if he didn't take this time with Kasey to stop and breathe. They'd gone out for Chinese and had ended up staying until the place closed, with Aubrey leaning against Kasey and holding her hand in comfortable silence.

It was weird... )

January 13th, 2008

narrative/thread - Drake and Scilla

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Who: Kasey Gibson and Laurel Cullin
Where: front lawn of mansion
When: Sunday Jan 13th, night
What: thinking without really realizing she's thinking. Only partially about the expected things.

There were a lot of things that should have been on Kasey's mind. )

December 27th, 2007

log: Optic and Drake

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Who: Kasey Gibson and Aubrey Ryan
Where: Aubrey's room
When: backdated to Christmas
What: Since the world sucks, they didn't buy presents for one another. So they just curl up and act super cheesy.

Christmas presents be damned. Just being with her was enough of a gift. )
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