Age of Miracles

May 25th, 2008

Age of Miracles


May 25th, 2008


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Who: Everyone at the school is invited! Hop in! And when you hop in, please tag yourself in the entry; the mods try to keep track but it's easiest if you tag yourself :D
When: Sunday afternoon/evening, May 25, 2008
Where: Xavier's School, backyard grounds
What: It's time for the MEMORIAL DAY PICNIC! HAVE FUN! GET DIRTY! Who knows what will happen!
OOC Notes: The thread below has several different sub-thread headers detailing different events/locations/etc at this party. Your characters are more than allowed to jump between threads, so don't think you need to pick an event and stick to it! In fact, your character can be in two or more sub-threads simultaneously, under the assumption that they take place at different points in the day. This should keep us from getting bogged down with doing everything completely chronologically, and if your sub-thread dies for one reason or another, you can always leap into or start a new sub-sub-thread. Even if you can't stick around for major threading, pop in and just mention what your character's up to! :D


Log/Thread: Mirror and Gambit

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Who: Madonna K-Richards and Remy Lebeau
When: Tuesday May 20th, Night [backdated]
Where: A little bar they know. Neutral territory.
What: He said he would talk to her, so he showed up to talk to her. Of course, he doesn't really want to answer her questions. Information is still the most expensive thing you can have. To be continued in comments

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