Age of Miracles

May 26th, 2008

Age of Miracles


May 26th, 2008

Bennet and Pyro - Backdated to Friday, May 23

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Who: Pyro and Exodus
When: Friday, May 23 (backdated)
What: Bennet gives Pyro his wedding present, and they talk a bit.
Where: The Brotherhood Lair.

That better world was quickly falling into place, thanks to several benevolences along the way. )

Log: Wolverine & Cyclops

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Who: Logan & Scott Summers
When: Monday, May 26, 2008
Where: The garage, then the open road
What: Scott's under a lot of stress, and the lack of sleep is starting to make him a little crazy. He's on the verge of a nervous breakdown and ends up taking Logan on an almost-deadly drive.

You drove me all the way out here for a fucking metaphor? )

Log: Beast & Cyclops

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Who: Hank McCoy & Scott Summers
When: Afternoon, Monday, May 26
Where: The medlab
What: Logan drops Scott off in the medlab after the debacle at the ravine, and Hank finds out that Scott hasn't been obeying his medical advice. And is Not Happy. Angry!Beast? Yes.

I can't help you if you don't help yourself! )

Thread: Storm & Beast

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Who: Hank McCoy & Ororo Munroe
When: Evening, Monday, May 26
Where: The teachers' lounge
What: Hank is in a bad mood because of the situation with Scott, and Ororo seems like a good person to talk to about it.

We have a problem. )

Log: Pyro and Rogue

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Who: Mr. and Mrs. Allerdyce who need more Saran Wrap
When: May 26, 2008
Where: Their new apartment
What: John and Rogue are unpacking their new kitchen, only to realize that they don’t have any kitchen… stuff. Except Saran Wrap. And then everyone realizes that K.D. and Mel have both watched Pushing Daisies.

They never had time for it, because Rogue drained his powers and got all horny )

Log: Cyclops and Storm

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Who; Scott Summers and Ororo Monroe
When; May 26th, evening, after Ororo and Hank.
Where; Charles' office
What; Ororo knows that Scooter's off his rocker and goes to do that thing that Ororo does and reaffirm my belief that everyone is Ororo's bitch. Especially Scott, who folds like tissue paper and lets Ororo relieve him of his headmaster-type duties until he's fit enough not to drive himself off a cliff.

I want you to sleep and eat and nothing else until I tell you to. )

thread; scorpion & pretty boy

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Who: Carmilla Black & Ian Voight
When: Backated; May 25th, Around 10 PM
Where: Corner Store
What: Carm turned 18 so she went to the store to get all the new stuff she can buy legally which includes porn and cigarettes. She'll get a gun later.

Eighteen wasn't much different than seventeen. )
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