Age of Miracles

May 24th, 2008

Age of Miracles


May 24th, 2008

Log: Tommy and Kurt

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Who; Tommy and Kurt
When; May 24th, early afternoon
Where; Some costume store
What; Tommy drags Kurt along to help her shop for a costume -- probably so she can torture him. Which she does.

He'd like to reach out with both hands and----tch. Shame, Kurt. )

Thread: Wolverine & Storm

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Who: Ororo Munroe & Logan
When: Morning, Sunday, May 25 ... hours before the happy barbecue
Where: Ororo's room
What: Logan spent the night in Ororo's bed and he's actually there in the morning. Surprised?

He didn't think she'd be such a wildcat in the sack, but then again, when 'Ro had a job to do she didn't halfass it. )

Thread: Mirror and Exodus

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Who: Madonna K-Richards and Bennet DuParis
When: Friday night (May 23), about 7 [backdated]
Where: A little restaurant they used to go to together.
What: A reunion of sorts between two people who have not seen each other in a while.

Searching for answers that no one really has. )
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