July 2011


ACADEMY X: because saving the world is easy...teenage hormones? not so much.

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May 9th, 2010

[info]gc_161 in [info]academy_x

Who: Julian Keller and Cessilly Kincaid
When: Saturday, May 8, 2010 [evening]
Where: Cyberspace via Xaviers!
What: AIM conversation!

That guy is such a dickweed )


[info]ex_blastoff35 in [info]academy_x

who: Sam and Jay
when: Little over two years ago
where: Guthrie household
what: Secret Origins. Sam Guthrie's powers have manifested and within days has already been recruited into Xavier's school. It's time for Sam to make his good-byes, which aren't all going over well.

It was hard to hide in the Guthrie household, especially since no one had a room to themself. )

[info]lady_light in [info]academy_x

Who: Tandy and Tyrone, (NPC: various shady figures >_>)
When: December 2008
Where: New York City, various/unknown
What: SECRET ORIGINS! Tandy and Tyrone on the night their powers were awakened. They each meet a kind stranger in the dark, not knowing a thing about this stranger but seeking comfort from one another unknowingly.

We Were So Close and Never Knew )

[info]tickingtimebomb in [info]academy_x

Who: Tabitha and Bobby
When: Nearly three years ago now!
What: Secret Origins Post!Young Bobby Meets Younger Tabitha for the First Time!
Where: The main hall

When We Were Young and Restless )

[info]rahney in [info]academy_x

who: Rahne and Josh
when: 1 year ago
where: Front of the girls' dormitory
what: Secret Origins. Rahne and Josh return from their first date and things get heated quick. Too quick for Rahne and her lack of control.

I had a wonderful time. )

[info]lady_light in [info]academy_x

Who: Tandy and Beast
When: Late December, 2008 (about a week after her escape)
Where: The Infirmary
What: SECRET ORIGINS! Tandy just arrived at the academy! She survived the interrogation by Prof. Xavier, the physical by the nurse, and now all that's left is for Beast to run some blood tests...

No one said there would be needles involved! O_O )

[info]worst_one in [info]academy_x

Who: John, NPC sibling [narrative]
When: November 11, 2005
Where: Flat Iron district, New York
What: Secret Origins! Being a mutant kinda sucks. A lot, actually.
The deets: John has just turned 13, and his powers decide now would be as good a time to show up as any.

He hadn't meant to fall asleep. )