Posts Tagged: 'l:+necrohelm'

Oct. 26th, 2021


[No Subject]

Who: Theo and Loki
When: (Oct 25th 2am) Returning home from defending the barrier
Where: Hotel Transylvania
What: Making up for interrupted plans.
Warning: High

Like any uncharted territory, I must seem greatly intriguing. You speak of my love like you have experienced love like mine before - Alanis Morrisette )

Oct. 24th, 2021



Party at City Hall

Who: Open
When: Sunday, October 24th
Where: the Haunted House aka City Hall
What: A party goes wrong

- The party is held to celebrate the return of Constance Hatchaway after the death of her forty-first human husband. It seems that Constance doesn't just get money from them, but also their life force. She doesn't look a day older than twenty-five!
- There are drinks, dancing and children. Much like the hunt, everyone is invited
- At around 9:30pm, there is a loud noise and the earth shakes. Anyone who's experienced bombs would assume that's what happened, but it could also give the impression of an earthquake for those who are familiar with that.
- Children are rounded up and kept at City Hall
- Guests seem to divide without much discussion. About a quarter stay at City Hall, another quarter starts patrolling both towns. Half of them go toward the woods and spread out.
- They will learn that it's humans attacking the magical barrier. Any magical being that wants to help (if they can) reinforce the barrier can do so. They will also learn that these attacks are becoming more common.

Oct. 23rd, 2021



RP: Bucky and Loki

Who: Bucky Barnes and Loki Odinson
When: Saturday, 23 October
Where: Hotel Bar
What: Two new friends talking shop
Warning: None
But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. -- JRR Tolkein, Lord of the Rings )



[No Subject]

Who: Five Hargreeves & Open.
When: The day after his arrival.
Where: Hotel Transylvania's bar, mid morning.
What: Thinkin' and drinkin'.

Read more... )

Oct. 21st, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Bucky/Steve
When: evening, October 21st
Where: their room
What: they talk. Again

Read more... )

Thread Theo and Sabrina

Who: Theo and Sabrina
When: Oct 21st, Dinnertime.
Where:Hotel Restaurant
What:Dinner and a chat
I do worry sometimes about how literal these things are )



Thread: Merrin & Open

Who: Merrin & Open!
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: in town, starting outside Killer Toys.
What: Shopping? Town Exploring.
Warning: None yet.

she rather liked the aesthetic of the world, however unfamiliar it was <i>strange</i> but she liked strange, if that's what it was. )



Thread: Merrin & Cal

Who: Merrin and Cal Kestis.
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Cornfield maze
What: Exploring the maze - who knows what they’ll find!
Warning: Low.

There was plenty around to orientate oneself within this new world, the locations and the beings of it, all of them relatively memorable in their own way. )

Oct. 20th, 2021



Open Text Message

Does anyone know how to block specific people on these blasted text machines?

Asking for a friend.



RP: Bucky & Theo

Who: Bucky Barnes and Theo Nott
When: Wednesday, 20 October
Where: Wandering amoung the shops
What: Weapon shopping is always a good distraction
Warning: None
Without imitating anyone else, you should have as much weaponry as suits you. --Miyamoto Musashi )



[No Subject]

Okay, so I realize that I look young, but I'm about 98% sure that this is the first time having to prove that I'm legally an adult (at least by American standards) might have saved my ass.

I was in the woods checking out some of those weird red handprints, and I hadn't realized how far in I had wandered. I heard a weird noise, and I couldn't find Salem, so I readied a stunning spell... only to get knocked off my feet by a massive thing! I was able to determine that it was an Ogress, and I'm pretty sure the cauldron with boiling water in it wasn't for her to give me a bath.

Anyway, it turns out she was looking for nubile young flesh, and yeah... I'll be avoiding the woods from now on. Oh, and if anyone sees Salem, let him know I'm kind of annoyed at him.



[No Subject]

[Group Chat]

I'd like to apologize for any improper behavior of the past few days. I had some brain at House of Brain and it impacted how I acted.

I don't want to discourage anyone from going. The food was surprisingly good. However, I would suggest that you pick your brain carefully and don't let the waiter pick for you (like I did).


Is it strange that I'm not sorry? I am sorry if I made some people uncomfortable and that was wrong, but I'm not sorry for everything that happened.


We should probably talk.

Oct. 19th, 2021



[No Subject]

You guys have to try the House of Brains.

I haven't had this much fun in years!



RP: Fratboy Steve

Who: Open. Multiple tails welcomed
When: throughout the day, October 19th
Where: All around the hotel
What: Steve isn't himself

- Steve will be under the influence of fratboy's brain until the morning
- He's only interests will be drinking (he acts like he's slight drunk, even though he's not), doing drugs and sex. Music too.
- He'll be touching and hugging people, flirting with them and even the occasional kiss. Anyone wanting to hex him/punch him/push him off, go for it.
- Again this will be through the day so feel free to add as many people as you want

Oct. 18th, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Tony and Steve
When: dinner, October 18th
Where: House of Brains
What: Steve and Tony try to eat

These are really brains )



[No Subject]

Who: Jak/Open!
When: Afternoon
Where: Wednesday's Shop
What: Artifact Hunting
Warning: None

Hunting is for the Precursors )



[No Subject]

Who: Marcus Wright and Open
When: Nighttime in Necrohelm
Where: Around the time when most monsters are sleeping
What: Marcus is investigating the red handprints around both cities
Warning: None for now, unless I come up with something

Red means Blood )



[No Subject]

Who: Abigail Hobbs and open
When: Backdated to her arrival, after the conductor message.
Where: Outside Ghoultown. 
What: Abigail's arrival.
Warning: help, please )



[No Subject]

In case you haven't noticed, there are red hand prints spread through Necrohelm. For those who weren't with us, we saw those hand prints in London and they were the logo for the rebellion. Here I've seen it on trees, walls, stones, but no one seems to mind. Please be careful and if you feel that something is off, let us know.

Also if anyone can find a way to shut off that music that seems to be everywhere, even in the street, let me know.

Text to Tony

Haven't talked to you in a while. Want to have dinner?



[No Subject]

I'm curious. What has everyone's experience been like here?


Would you like to go exploring later?
We haven't had too much time out and about together since coming to this strange place yet.