January 20th, 2022



Text to those in the Barracks

Okay, so, if I could find, like, a really private place to conjure up a shower, how many people would want in on that?

Or, if a shower is out of the question, I guess I could use a cleaning spell...



Text to those in the Barracks

To make it easier to move out, we're changing things a little. Everyone will be pared and each pair will be part of a group. Each group has at least one person who can teleport/apparate. In case, we get separated, make sure to find your partner and your group, go to the Hollywood sign and we'll meet up there. We will also use the same groups if we're asked to patrol outside.

Group A: Steve/Bucky; Draco/Pansy; Peter M/Mac

Group B: John/Jak; Roman/Sabrina

Group C: Tony/Peter P; Remus/Abigail

Group D: Marcus/Elizabeth; Ariel/James

The group letters are meant only to distinguish and has no ranking in any way.

Pansy and Elizabeth, I know you're new, but hopefully this way you get to see a little of the outside, and Pansy we'd expect you to help with the Apparition. If you have questions, text me or come and find me.